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Your Health, Your Body, Your Choice - Choose Wisely

health Dec 18, 2020
"If our consciousness is 'closed' we simply will not see what is right in front of our face. We unconsciously screen it out"...
There is a huge divide in healthcare right now:
  • Those who believe solely or predominantly in the conventional medical approach (doctors, medication, surgery)
  • And those who have found additional approaches (natural health, holistic solutions) to supplement the conventional approach.
In my explorations of health, I have found the underlying reason for our healthcare knowledge and choices is our unconscious belief system and level of consciousness, which are a direct result of our unconscious programming during the early years of our life, plus what we additionally learn about health as we move through life.
The problem is, the first approach (conventional medicine) is limiting. It is not the full story. It is a narrow perspective. It does not offer all the answers, despite what many people believe. 

The problem with unawareness

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5 Levels of Healthcare, Consciousness and You

health Dec 17, 2020
"Over the years, as I explored more and more different healthcare options, I came to understand that my level of consciousness automatically dictated what healthcare choices I found or used: as my awareness expanded, more healthcare choices became available to me..."
Just now on my FB feed a post appeared from a group asking the question 'would you take the vaccine'?
I noticed 99% of the responses were affirmative, citing how it must be safe because scientists and doctors have created it, and anything made by science and research must be safe and good for us.
This post reminded me how our healthcare choices are the result of our deep-seated and often unconscious beliefs.
These beliefs are instilled in us at a deep level from early childhood, as a result of our familial, cultural, social, educational, governmental, environmental and national 'conditioning'.

Soaking up like sponges

During the first few years of life we unconsciously 'soak...
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Why Being Unaware Keeps You Sick

healing Dec 17, 2020

"All healing is awareness: becoming aware of what you were previously unaware of, and then you have new choices". Gilles Marin


Often when people are looking for answers to their SYMPTOMS, they tend to focus on looking for a PHYSICAL solution to their PHYSICAL problem.

Whilst there is no doubt that physical applications can help (eg dietary change, supplements, even medication or surgery sometimes) the REALITY is that most illness does not START on a physical level, and therefore will not be SOLVED on a physical level.

Most illness has a META physical component - this means 'beyond' physical.

What does that mean? It means the ROOT CAUSES are likely to be found on a stress-mind-emotion level.

And it's essential to understand that WE HEAL A PERSON, NOT AN ILLNESS.

We heal a WHOLE PERSON'S LIFE, not a health condition.

The root causes are likely to be found as the 'DIS-EASE' you are experiencing which is manifesting as DISEASE.

Unless and until we...

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When the body knows best

Most people have been erroneously taught that symptoms are wrong, a mistake. This is not true, because the body is far too intelligent to make mistakes...

Opening Note:

This article was written in response to a Facebook post showing a photo of a person with serious foot sores after they had allegedly been part of a vaccine trial. I cannot vouch for the truth of these photos, but I can vouch for the workings of the human body, and how it works to expel toxins. Whether this photo is to do with a vaccine trial or not, it is still worth sharing the information below so that you may better understand how the body endeavours to expel a toxic threat from the body. 

The photo of the person's sores is at the bottom of this page. I have put it there because it is not a pleasant photo to look at, but if it is indeed legitimately related to having a vaccine, it's important to see.

Why the body knows best

I feel compelled to share something about the human body. About the...

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