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Heart Healing

heart health Nov 19, 2022

What do the heart and healing have to do with each other?

Well, quite a lot actually.

Most people have no idea of the enormous powers within them to effect self-healing, and much of this innate ability is connected with the power of the heart.

Image: Heartmath Institute

Do you know for example that the heart's magnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than the brain's magnetic field? (1)

Have you read or heard of seemingly miraculous stories of healing from terminal illnesses, for example, 'Dying to be Me' by Anita Moorhani?

Most people have no idea of the power which lies within them, waiting to be unleashed and used.

Most people have no idea their body has (is) an in-built self-healing mechanism, which they can learn to tap into and use to self-heal all sorts of symptoms and ailments.

Why don't we know this?

Because it's not been taught in school, including even in medical school.

Most people have been brought up, in the western world, to believe they have no power to heal...

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Sky-rocketing Autism

autism Nov 17, 2022

Why is autism sky-rocketing around the world?

Why is it predicted that 1 in 2 children will have autism by 2025? 50% of children?

What is the harm being experienced by young women from the Gardasil vaccine which is supposed to protect them from cervical cancer? Why do some scientists say it's not doing its designed job?

What is the general public not being told?

Find out in this short clip.

Excerpted from the full documentary series (episode 7). 


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GMOs and your Health

gmo Nov 17, 2022

How do GMOs (genetically modified organisms) affect your body?

Can they cause harm and lead to illness?

How are GMOs connected with auto-immune disorders, digestive issues, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, depression, joint pain, insomnia, hormonal issues, inflammation, obesity and more?

How are GMOs inter-connected with herbicides and pesticides, glycophosate, roundup etc?

Listen to this short clip on this topic. You may wish to check your food labels a bit more closely after watching this!

Excerpted from the full documentary series (episode 7). 

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How to Avoid 'Sludge Blood'

blood Nov 16, 2022

"The food your consume becomes your blood. Compromise your blood, you compromise your life. Protect your blood, you protect your life". Dr Mike Adams

The food you eat affects the quality of your blood, because what you eat BECOMES your blood. 

What types of oils are you eating?

Which oils are healthy for you?

Is your blood at a tipping point for clotting?

How you can you protect your precious blood?

This short clip will steer you in the right direction to keeping your blood healthy. 

Excerpt from this documentary series (episode 6). 


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Natural Healing from Cancer

cancer lifestyle medicine Oct 26, 2022

It always makes me very sad when I hear people I know (and don't know) have been diagnosed with cancer, not just because they are ill, but because of the treatments the medical system still predominantly recommends, namely radiation and chemo. The discomfort and harm these treatments cause is harrowing, and I wouldn't wish anyone have to endure them. 

Recently I watched an eye-popping documentary which revealed how chemo was originally invented: it was the by-product of oil production. I was truly shocked when I learned this.

(See the short 3 min clip above, and if you watch the full documentary, I recommend watching from start to finish to get a clear picture of the full story).

I don't know how much has changed in the contents of chemo, but what I do know is that the ingredients are highly toxic to the human body, which is why people feel so utterly sick during treatment. 

The good news is, there are other options.

The bad news is,...

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The Healing Superpowers of your Gut

#gut #microbiome Oct 14, 2022

"If you want to maximize your health you must learn to nourish the invisible gardens growing on and in every organ, and, particularly, throughout your entire digestive system". Zac Bush


Healing Secrets: The Wisdom of Your Microbiome

45 minute free masterclass with Zac Bush (on demand)

Watch the free Masterclass

One of the things we forget as humans, is that we are PART OF nature, not separate from it.

And one of the most essential needs of all living organisms is to feel and experience CONNECTION:

to feel connected with other humans... with nature... to everything inside our body... and to the 'all that is'.

Without that connection we get sick, mentally and physically. The microbiome has a HUGE role to play in this connection...

Watch the free Masterclass


The Superpowers of Your Gut

Repair, restore, and rebalance your body’s miraculous microbiome.

Online course with Zach Bush, MD

Human biology is a symphony. It is a harmonious coordination of the...

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What if you were rewarded to live healthily? Hereโ€™s how โ€ฆ

Healthcare and managing your chronic diseases are expensive.

In part because we incentivize quantity (more services mean higher profits).

But we are mopping up the floor, instead of resolving the root-causes.

This has to change …

>> What if we incentivize value, quality, and prevention?

>> What if we reward doctors for helping patients reduce chronic symptoms?

>> What if YOU are rewarded for improving your lifestyle habits?

>> What if EVERYONE has affordable access to a certified health coach?


No, it’s absolutely possible and happening right now.

My colleague Johannes R. Fisslinger, the host of the upcoming 2022 Lifestyle Medicine Summit, is making his new book “HealthiWealthi™ Solutions” exclusively available for our community (no charge!).

 Imagine how it would feel to be “paid” and rewarded for living healthier, happier, longer, and richer? 

Read this book. 

It's an eye-opening and...

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Enough is enough. Healthcare needs to change. This is how!


Let's be honest for a moment:

Doctors are frustrated with bureaucracy, spending too much time managing the business, dealing with insurance companies, and therefore having only a few minutes with their patients. This frustration also puts them at high risk for burnout which can lead to medical errors, mental health issues, or even suicide.

Patients are suffering from an array of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, pain, heart disease, cancer, anxiety, and depression. They are equally frustrated because they often find themselves spending more and more time managing their diseases that never seems to end.

Everyone knows that healthcare needs to change. 

Why is this relevant and important for you and your family?

Realizing IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY opens the door to new possibilities. The possibility for doctors to feel fulfilled at work. The possibility that patients can enjoy excellent health. 

Here’s the secret. . . Lifestyle Medicine

If our poor lifestyle...

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Miracle Habits for Health

#miraclehabitssummit Oct 02, 2022

As a health professional, I get how hard it can be to build and maintain healthy habits without sacrificing the daily commitments to the people you love (and yourself).

Every day I wake up and commit to taking care of myself in better ways (right food, good exercise, rest, meditation...) - some days I succeed, and some days I fall short. And then I wake up the next day and re-commit again.

It's interesting how we know what it is we need to do to keep ourselves well, and yet we don't do it!

Can you relate?

Why is it so hard?

Why is it we don't do what we know we need to do?!

Do you find yourself slouching on the couch watching Netflix when you know it would be healthier to out for a walk?

Why is it we choose the burger and fries or ice cream sundae at the restaurant rather than the salad?

Why is it we go to bed at midnight when we know we really should be snuggled up by 9pm?

Xaye Faith and Devann Edwards told me they were hosting an interview series all around this topic, which...

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6 Recommended Health & Wellbeing Events

Here is the line-up of free online health events to choose from over the next few weeks. Scroll down and click on an image / link to register:


The Miracle Health Habits Summit

22 Sept - 12 Oct 2022

Upgrade your daily rituals and habits to create optimal health. Register here


Thyroid Health Webinar

29 September 2022

How to get your thyroid back on track again with your personalized roadmap to thyroid health.

Read more on this page and register


The Collective Trauma Summit

28 Sept - 6 October 2022

 Thomas Hübl hosts 50+ experts on the topic of collective trauma including leading trauma psychologists, neuroscientists, Indigenous elders, journalists, founders and executives, poets, artists, activists, NYT Bestselling authors, and more. Over the course of this 9-day global event, we will look at different aspects of trauma including individual, ancestral, and collective trauma, and how they are interconnected. Explore the potential for...

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