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Healing for Hashimotos?

thyroid Sep 20, 2022

When it comes to hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, it can be difficult to know what to do.

Most people go to the doctor and are put on medication.

Whilst this helps manage symptoms of fatigue, brain fog etc, it doesn't get to the cause... and I'm all about getting to the root cause, because when we do, we solve our problem for good.

Often in the 'conventional' healthcare system, when we ask for more insight or information into this problem we hear things like...

“You are already on medication so you are doing everything you can, there is nothing else you can do to improve your thyroid.”

“Thyroid antibodies don’t do anything; they just sit there.”

“Your TSH is fine so we don’t need to do anything further.”

“Your levels are perfect so what you are feeling must be in your head, perhaps you are just depressed.”

“You have Hashimoto’s but your levels are fine so don’t worry. We don’t...

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The Truth Hardly Anyone Is Telling You About Healing

self-healing Jun 04, 2022

“The entire subject of healing is as old as the ages themselves, and has ever been the subject of investigation and experiment. But as to the right use of the healing faculty and forces, the knowledge is in its infancy”.  Master DK

I'm noticing a common theme recently in healing circles:

There's a buzz around new healing technologies.

Just last week I heard about a 'Healing Wand'.

People are raving about 'Med Beds'.

And I just watched a video about EES 'Energy Enhancement System' healing technology.

This is all great.

The less medication we put in our bodies, which often and usually cause side-effects, the better.

The less surgery we have, which can often lead to more problems than we started with, the better.

The less iatric ('medically-induced) death we have (apparently the highest cause of death in hospitals), the better*. 

But there's a missing piece that most people are not yet aware of:

The ability of the body to self-heal without the use of any of...

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The Art of Dying Well

dying May 08, 2022

How to make the ending of life a calm and graceful event for you and your loved ones

Whilst most of my content and teachings are focused on 'The Art of Health & Science of Wellbeing', we all have to recognize and come to terms with the fact that death is an unavoidable part of life. As I move into my 'golden years' this fact is becoming more and more real. 

It is said that at birth and at death, the boundaries between the worlds dissolve, and sacred pathways open up between dimensions. A holy transition takes place.

It is said that death is only the end of this life in this dimension. We release our physicality and transform into a being of subtle energies and light.

Profound questions find their answers...

Is there a God? What’s really on the other side? Are those who’ve gone before waiting for me? 

Yet most of us spend our lives avoiding thoughts about our own and others’ departures.

We associate death with suffering and loss, pain and crisis,...

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A Better Way

a better way Apr 24, 2022

What does a better way of health look like for you?

A ground-breaking conference in May 2022.

This solutions-focused event brings together leaders from around the world for three exciting days of learning, exploring, creating and collaborating.

Join us as we travel the path together toward a healthy new paradigm rooted in freedom, empowerment, education, and integrity.



Speaker Line Up

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Maajid Nawaz, Dr. Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Neil Oliver, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Del Bigtree, Reiner Fuellmich, Bret Weinstein, Dr. John Campbell, Dr. Rob Verkerk

Lee Wai Ching, Dr. Gilberta St Rose, Dan Astin-Gregory, Dr. Jackie Stone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Flavio Cadegiani, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Paul Alexander, Kim Witczak, Dr. Xavier Azelbert, Dr. Stephan Becker, Dr. Richard Urso, Avital Livny

Prof Dolores Cahill, Bongani Luthuli, Philip Hyland, Dr. Christian...

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When Is Safe Safe?

medical Apr 20, 2022

2018 - and still as relevant today.

'What you don't know, can hurt you'.


From Academy Award® nominated filmmakers Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering (The Invisible War, The Hunting Ground) comes a groundbreaking investigation into the crimes of Big Medical.

America has the most technologically-advanced health care system in the world, yet medical interventions have become the third leading cause of death, and the overwhelming majority of high-risk implanted devices never require a single clinical trial.


I have to admit I was pretty shocked when I watched this film, and my heart broke for the pain so many thousands of people have endured.
This film is essential viewing for:
• Anyone who has had or is considering a mesh implant in the abdomen to keep prolapsing organs in place
• Anyone who has had or is considering having a birth control device implanted into their womb
• Anyone who has had or is considering having a hip replacement
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Resolving Polarity and Duality

freedom Apr 16, 2022

Humans are 'run' by 'patterns of consciousness'.

We all are, until we set ourselves free from them, which takes much work.

It is not until our 'True Self' is manifesting fully (aka we are 'enlightened' or 'self-realized') that our patterns are no longer 'ruling the roost' of our consciousness.

Patterns of consciousness are what create life problems (individually and collectively) because we behave, and feel, and think, and act THROUGH our unconscious patterns, which are deeply embedded in us.

These problems will be our own life problems, and the collective problems of humanity.

The patterns which trip us up include: greed, negativity, pessimism, selfishness, fixed expectations, suspicion, competitiveness, comparison, self-centredness, POLARITY, and more.

INTERNALLY the pattern of 'polarity' manifests as inner conflict: feeling good one day, and bad the next... feeling capable and incapable... fearful and courageous... right and wrong... the list is inexhaustable. When we have inner...

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Healthcare of the Future... Is Here Now

Is Health Coaching only for the rich and famous?

Well, it shouldn't be.

The truth is, many people can't afford to pay for a health coach on a regular basis. Currently insurance will not pay for it and doctors, clinics, or hospitals rarely suggest it.


Because for the past 100 years the focus of healthcare has been on 'the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff' approach. Ie, let's wait until you're sick and then we'll deal with it.

This needs to change.

It's time for people to learn they can take care of their health and wellbeing, and play the leading role in both preventing illness and restoring health if they've lost it. 

If this is something that interests you, then the Health Coach Summit & Conference May 26-29, 2022 is the perfect event for you. 

4-Days of immersion & interactive learning to 

discover the benefits of health & wellness coaching, 

how to radically upgrade your health coaching skills, 


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Shocking New Revelations in Health

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2022

An extraordinary new documentary series...

'The Viral Delusion' features the growing group of doctors and scientists dismantling the illusion of virus theory to understand the real causes of disease - including The Great Plague to Polio, AIDS to COVID. 

Watch Episode One for free here

From Hollywood filmmaker Mike Wallach - this is a must-see five-episode, seven-hour series.  

“Absolutely incredible and incredibly important” - Dr. Sam Bailey. 

“Immensely important and beautifully made” Dr. John Bevin-Smith. 

“Amazing. Should be translated into every language in the world” - Dr. Vinnie Costa.


In Episode One, the doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering: they explode every single major claim, from the "isolation" of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the...

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The Other Side of the Story

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2022

Most people get their information from the 6 o'clock news.

Unfortunately, much of this information does not represent the full picture.

This ground-breaking documentary series, airing exactly 2 years after the pandemic began, sheds new light on what has been happening.

It's always good to get the 'bigger picture'.

The series airs free for a short time, and then is available on demand for a fee. 

Register to watch here

9 Episode Schedule:

Episode 1: Truth: Overcoming Censorship and Media Misinformation

Episode 2: Cover Up: Deaths & Dangers of the Vaccines 

Episode 3: Treatments: Censored Non-Prescription Treatments that Work

Episode 4: Healing: How to Heal Your Body from the Jab

Episode 5: Hysteria: Dispelling the Media-Driven Panic

Episode 6: Agenda: What’s it REALLY All About?

Episode 7: Fallout: How the Jab Impacts Women, Fertility & Children 

Episode 8: Tyranny: Global Government Cracking Down on Dissent


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Music as Medicine - 7 Week Online Training

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2022

The Power of Sound to Heal

Scientific evidence has revealed that music and key sound frequencies have the power to support our bodies to heal naturally at a very deep level.

When applied correctly, these vibrations gently massage the body’s cells and have an almost magical capacity to heal emotional and physical traumas held in the body. 

Health challenges, such as chronic pain, chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, and poor immune system efficiency can all be alleviated without the need for prescription drugs, affirms acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid

John's Story of Pain Recovery

After prescription medications had failed to diminish his debilitating back pain, he eliminated the pain permanently by immersing himself in low-frequency sound for just 20 minutes while lying inside the sarcophagus inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.

In this free one hour webinar John explains the biological mechanisms that underpin sound’s ability...

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