Can 80% Of Chronic Disease Be Reversed?

Six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease, such as heart disease and stroke, cancer or diabetes.

These and other chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in America, and are also a leading driver of health care costs.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 90% of national healthcare spending goes toward chronic disease management and mental healthcare.

Excuse me what??


Yep, that's correct. 

Why am I sick? Solving the Puzzle.

The question most often asked by people who are sick is … WHY?

"What is causing my pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, migraine, anxiety or depression"?, etc.

The second question is … "what treatment options do I have"?

Well, your answer may lie in a revolution in healthcare, which is already here for those who are ready. And here is how you can find out more about it…

Over 35 of the world’s top lifestyle medicine experts will reveal how to reverse 80% of chronic disease. 

Don't miss brand-new 'TED style talks' from Dean Ornish MD, Mimi Guarneri MD, Bruce Lipton PhD, David Katz MD, Dr. Robert Pearl, Johannes R. Fisslinger, Prof. Ainhoa de Federico, T. Colin Campbell PhD, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, Dawson Church PhD, Neil Barnard MD, Dr. Jessica Drummond, Leigh-Ann Webster, Bernie Siegel, Ocean Robbins, Kim Knight and more...

This is an 5-Day Live Streaming Event and the best part is, it’s free.

Click here to register and reserve your free ticket

Discover the science and research behind healing your mind, body, and improving your relationships.

Enjoy :-)

Kim Knight

Lifestyle Medicine Coach

Helping people reverse chronic illness without medication or supplements since 2006


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