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Lifestyle Medicine Coaching Summit 2023

In the future, everyone will learn how to SELF-manage their health through illness prevention, lifestyle prescriptions, healthy habits, lifestyle medicine.

The good news is, the future is here for those who are ready.

The Lifestyle Medicine Coaching Summit is this May:

Lifestyle Prescriptions® University faculty & 27+ Health Coaching expert speakers are presenting at the upcoming Health Coach Summit from May 25-28, 2023. 

The LPU (Lifestyle Prescription University) has a non-profit mission to make Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching accessible and affordable for everyone.

This annual event where professionals from across the industry learn from each other, share innovative ideas, and support each other in our shared mission is the one event all health coaches don't want to miss.

As a health coach, you'll learn how to radically upgrade your health coaching skills, improve client health outcomes, grow your practice, add health coaching to your business, find...

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Is it time for a FOOD REVOLUTION?

food healthy eating Apr 12, 2023

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that we need to be paying A LOT more attention to our food, in particular the QUALITY of what we eat.

Have you noticed how the quality of fresh fruit and veggies in shops is declining? I find it quite shocking.

Whilst more and more money is spent by manufacturers in bringing us more and more junk, less attention is paid to making our fresh produce healthy. 

Just last week I saw a video describing how vaccines are now being gene-edited into fruit, vegetables and meat, and last month gene-edited food was approved in the UK.

And in the last couple of years there is a significant increase in additives and preservatives in packaged foods - have you noticed this too?

The bottom line is, our food is becoming more and more toxic, which is leading to a decline in physical and mental health. 

The Food Revolution Network are out to change this.

In the upcoming 2023 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries starting 26 April, the are bringing...

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What will it take to heal humanity and the planet?

consciousness healing Mar 25, 2023

... A conversation on emotional healing & transformation of consciousness

A conversation with Robito Chatwin, founder of the 'Conscious People's Network' (CPN)  Podcast Link

Watch on youtube 

Subscribe to Robito's substack at:


Show notes, Kim’s websites and links:

In this conversation, Kim talks about her ‘awakening’ journey, which started with thinking ‘there must be more to life’ at 25 years old. Kim shares how she then found herself suffering from clinical depression which spiralled down into a pit of darkness until she suddenly “surrendered” and came out the other side.

This led her to start looking outside the mainstream medical system for what she had experienced, which included many different types of therapies and exploring spirituality.

The final stage of...

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What does an enlightened planet look like?


Every now and then, a film comes along that you feel you have to tell your friends and family about.

The Portal is a beautiful heart opening film - It will make you laugh, cry, dance and even meditate.

The film traverses in and around six, powerful, real-life stories of people that have overcome crisis using yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

It also explores our own planetary crisis and asks us some big questions like: “What does an enlightened planet look like?”

Watching this film and joining in this movement in real time is a once in a lifetime experience and something you do not want to miss out on!

Go here to watch the full Portal now

Join to watch the 'Bigger Picture' Video Series


About the Film

The Portal brings to life the stories of six very different people who went through crisis, and transformed.

They discovered the potential that we all have to change our lives, and our world.

Including insights from three of the world’s leading...

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Standing up for what is Natural... Healthy... and Fair.

natural products Jan 27, 2023

Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hipocrates (a long, long time ago).

What would it be like if you could no longer buy the following items in your local supermarket in New Zealand?:

Cayenne pepper, cinammon, turmeric, coconut, mustard, eggplant, aloe vera, black pepper, neem?

There are many more items to add to this list (which you can read further down this post), but because these ones are common cooking items, I've mentioned them first.

Currently the NZ government is wanting (for the 3rd time in the past couple of decades) to RESTRICT the public from being able to purchase these items freely.


Because their rational is (wait for this, it will have you falling off your chair in shock):

'If something can be proven to benefit health, it needs to be a medicine'.*


Are they serious?

They sure are.

In other words, if you put anything in your mouth which could benefit your health, it might need to be deemed medicine and only...

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New Discoveries about your Brain and Mental Health

mental health Jan 25, 2023

New studies show the frightening link between neurodegenerative disease and mental health conditions that show you may be at higher risk for developing Parkinson’s, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or some other “brain-wasting” type of neurodegenerative disease if you’ve been struggling with any type of mental health condition.

But there is good news, and there are answers and solutions, so you don’t have to be another 1 in 4 statistic…

In this free 5 part masterclass series (4th-8th Feb 2023) you will:

UNCOVER the mystery of neurodegenerative disease and mental health conditions and DISCOVER data-driven and proven solutions for reversing and healing from these conditions and diseases

REVERSE ADD/ADHD, dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain fog, and more by understanding root causes and data-driven strategies and solutions

HEAL the root causes of brain-related conditions no matter how old you are, and RECLAIM...

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Menopause, Food and Hormones - Free Masterclass


Women are especially vulnerable to metabolic dysfunction.

According to the latest research by Dr Sara Gottfried, it is a silent killer, contributing to 9 out of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States among women. 

But how did we come to face this metabolic health crisis?

Dr Sara Gottfried reckons she has the answers, and says it's all about hormone health.

If you've been struggling with weight gain, brain fog, poor memory, difficulty losing weight, insulin resistance, feeling sluggish, low energy... it's likely connected with metabolic syndrome.  


Navigating Perimenopause and Menopause - Free Masterclass

with Sara Gottfried, MD

Heal your hormones and metabolism, and reclaim your right to vibrant health.

Register to watch the free 30 min masterclass here


Women, Food and Hormones - Online Course

As women, it is difficult to get accurate, actionable information on what is happening to our bodies and hormones from age 35...

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What if everything you thought was true... wasn't?

virus Dec 23, 2022

From Hollywood filmmaker Mike Wallach - a must-see five-episode, seven-hour video series.  

The Viral Delusion features doctors and scientists dismantling the illusion of virus theory to understand the real causes of disease - from The Great Plague to Polio, AIDS to COVID. 

Click here to watch Episode One free

“Absolutely incredible and incredibly important” - Dr. Sam Bailey. 

“Immensely important and beautifully made” Dr. John Bevin-Smith. 

“Amazing. Should be translated into every language in the world” - Dr. Vinnie Costa.

In Episode One:

The doctors, scientists and journalists featured in THE VIRAL DELUSION examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering: they explode every single major claim, from the "isolation" of the virus to its so-called genetic sequencing, from the discovery of how to "test" for SARS-CoV2 to the emergence of "variants" that in...

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More than One Medicine

history medicine Dec 11, 2022

How did modern medicine begin?

Why has allopathic (medical doctor - medication / surgery etc) medicine become the prevailing type of medicine in the western world?

This short video clip explains how this came about, you may be amazed - I was!

You can also read about the history in this short article.

As I always say, there are many different types of medicine, and we need to find what is right for us.

The image below lists just some of the many types of medicine - this is not all by far - there are many more!

In my program 'The 5 levels of healthcare, consciousness and you', I describe how we will all be drawn to different types of healthcare according to our self-awareness.

And if you're interested, the short video clip above is taken from this documentary series

Ways to learn about Lifestyle Medicine

Learn more about Lifestyle Medicine in my free introduction to Lifestyle Medicine program.

Free Lifestyle Medicine 101 Course

Train to be a Lifestyle Medicine Health Coach


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What if nothing was holding you back?

trauma Dec 03, 2022
  • What would life look like if there was nothing holding you back?  
  • How would it be if you could get out of your own way?
  • Would your life look and feel different?

This is what we'll be exploring in the 'Healing Family Trauma Summit'.

There is no doubt in my mind that unresolved trauma lies at the root of most of our suffering, individually and collectively.

Family trauma comes in many shapes and sizes:

It can start at birth with 'birth trauma'.

It can be plentiful during the formative years of our life up to the age of 7, when most of our subconscious programming is set in place.

Then we go through our teen years, and into adult, solidifying hurts which have not been healed.

And continuously experience ongoing life events which constantly challenge us mentally and emotionally.

And then we wonder why we end up unhappy, disatisfied and sick.

Family trauma doesn't just mean this life.

Family trauma is passed down from generation to generation...

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