Good News, Bad News: The (Old) Healthcare System is Collapsing

healthcare May 20, 2023

"Whilst the majority of people have been drawn for the past century to the 'mainstream' (allopathic) medical system, inadvertently conditioned to believe it is the best and only type of healthcare available, hundreds of forward-thinking health practitioners, with thousands of clients, have been using a different approach for over 40 years"...

Recently I heard an interesting (and some may say startling) statistic:

46% of the NHS (national health service) in the UK have left, and 50% of the specialists and surgeons have also disappeared.*

Whilst many will be mourning this loss, others are celebrating with joy.


For two reasons:

1. The only constant in life is change: seen in bigger spans of time, life is always evolving and changing, and the breakdown of the current healthcare system is part of this natural process of change.

2. The prevailing 'allopathic' healthcare system needs to change because it is outdated, and at times, even barbaric. This change has been building 'behind the scenes' for decades, but most people have been oblivious to this happening.

So is it true that a new and improved healthcare system has been building for decades?

Yes! Whilst the majority of people in first-world countries have been drawn like moths to a flame for the past century to the 'mainstream' (allopathic) medical system, inadvertently conditioned to believe it is the best and only type of healthcare availablehundreds of forward-thinking health practitioners, with their thousands of clients, have discovered and been using a different approach for over 40 years.

This approach is called 'natural medicine' and is actually both a return and restoration of what came before mainstream or 'conventional' medicine, as well as a furtherance and improvement of original natural healthcare of previous times.

Natural medicine we could say is an umbrella term for many different approaches to healthcare, and includes modalities such as acupuncture, naturopathy, homeopathy, and literally hundreds of other 'alternative' (natural) healthcare styles.

Lifestyle Medicine - The New Medicine of the Future (Here Now)

One of the most important upcoming new kids on the block of the new healthcare system is LIFESTYLE MEDICINE (LM).

I have been a proponent of LM for over two decades now, attributing my own recovery from multiple chronic ailments to it (see story below).

Simply put, Lifestyle Medicine is the medicine you use on a daily basis through your own self-prescribed 'lifestyle prescriptions'. In other words, your lifestyle IS the medicine'.

Daily habits of eating, drinking, moving, feeling, thinking, believing... will lead to one of two outcomes: harm or benefit... better or lesser health.

This puts the onus of responsibility fairly and squarely in our (the 'patient's) hands. The key phrase here is self-responsibility for selfcare, and one of my motto's for years has been 'self-care - a revolution in healthcare'. 

Rather than looking 'outside' to someone or something else to cure or save you, you realize that much of the outcomes for your health lie in your own hands.

To those conditioned by the allopathic system into believing only a 'doctor' can tell you what is right, this new (or actually not so new) approach to health can seem strange and even a little scary. 

Whilst initially it may seem overwhelming to those used to being told by someone 'in authority' what is wrong with them or what to do, it becomes one of the most empowering and freeing ways of managing one's health, and in particular takes away much of the fear which comes with 'scary diagnoses'.

Once one understands the root cause of illness has much to do with how we think, feel and behave, which are themselves the end-result of prior root causes, and once one also understand the incredible in-built natural self-healing powers of the body, one moves from fear to trust. 

The full theory of true healing is far too big a topic to cover in a short blog like this, but here are two quick clues:

The path to knowing how to take of one's own health is two-fold:

1. Becoming more self-aware of what is going on inside one's body-mind

2. Learning and implementing techniques and strategies for self-healing.

This is what I have spent the past 30 years learning and teaching, and it is quite literally life-changing.

So if you are interested in learning more about this new (and not so new) approach to healthcare, do join this year's LIFESTYLE MEDICINE HEALTH COACH SUMMIT

I'll be speaking on the topic of the true causes of digestive problems.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Kim Knight

Root Cause Analysis and Lifestyle Medicine Coach

ps - if you're a practitioner interested in learning authentic 'root cause analysis', sign up to my news on the bottom of the homepage to be kept updated on any upcoming trainings. 


My journey into natural health

My first introduction to natural health was in the early 90's, after ongoing back pain which my doctor said had no cause, and no solution. Eventually, after 3 months of searching I found my way to a cranio-sacral osteopath, my frist ever natural therapist, and found relief. 

A few years later, diagnosed with clinical depression, and hospitalized with a mental breakdown, the only solution offered was medication (anti-depressants) which made me feel ten times worse, and this set me off properly on my search for non-medication solutions. Little did I know at the time how many weird and wonderful 'natural / alternative' approaches I would try to heal myself of depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and a multitude of other commonly-labelled illnesses including asthma, allergies, urticaria, UTIs and more.

Little did I know it would lead me to becoming a natural health practitioner certified in a swag of little-known therapies, including Qigong, energy healing, emotional healing and more.

More Information and Inspiration

For more info on my journey into natural health you can read my story of recovery on and listen to a recent interview with the PHA (People's Healthcare Alliance).

I also have many videos on my vision for a new healthcare system on this page of my website 





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