Is it time for a FOOD REVOLUTION?

food healthy eating Apr 12, 2023

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that we need to be paying A LOT more attention to our food, in particular the QUALITY of what we eat.

Have you noticed how the quality of fresh fruit and veggies in shops is declining? I find it quite shocking.

Whilst more and more money is spent by manufacturers in bringing us more and more junk, less attention is paid to making our fresh produce healthy. 

Just last week I saw a video describing how vaccines are now being gene-edited into fruit, vegetables and meat, and last month gene-edited food was approved in the UK.

And in the last couple of years there is a significant increase in additives and preservatives in packaged foods - have you noticed this too?

The bottom line is, our food is becoming more and more toxic, which is leading to a decline in physical and mental health. 

The Food Revolution Network are out to change this.

In the upcoming 2023 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries starting 26 April, the are bringing together 45 of the world’s top food and health experts with the LATEST scientifically grounded research on the life-changing benefits of healthy eating.

Over eight episodes, they'll share how to prevent disease, reduce pollution and optimize health with some of the greatest minds in the food world, including top doctors who are New York Times best-selling authors, researchers, journalists, health experts, and more.

This is likely to be the largest and most consequential gathering of healthy food lovers in history. If you believe that food matters and want to do the best for your body and your planet, this could be the place to be.

If you feel it’s time to say “no” to the standard first-world diet of processed products and hidden sugars which weaken our immune system, and put us at risk for chronic disease, join the Food Revolution Docoseries and see what you can learn to help you improve your health through food.




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