What Really Causes the Flu?

flu virus Jul 18, 2023

For years (decades) we have been told (conditioned to think and believe 'this is how it is') that we catch the flu (and more recently ‘Covid’) predominantly due to a VIRUS entering our system and causing havoc (ie symptoms).

Apparently it is the effects of a (so-called) virus which produces symptoms ie, fever, runny nose, sore throat, exhaustion etc.

But what if this isn't true?

What if viruses do not actually exist?

What if viruses have never been proven to exist?

'Sacre bleu' I hear you say! This cannot be possible!

'This is just how it is! Viruses exist! They just do!

But are you aware of the more recent 'Terrain Theory'?

Are you aware, for example, of the many experiments* which have been carried out, endeavouring to infect healthy people with sick people's viruses, to make the healthy people 'catch the virus' and get sick, and yet the healthy people didn't get sick?

Are you aware that the so-called 'Covid' virus has never, ever been 'isolated', ie, identified?

Are you aware of this?

I'm sure most people are not, simply because:

(a) we do not understand how so-called viruses are 'isolated' (identified) and

(b) the incredible media propaganda machine** which has been in action since the 1950's, telling us what is and isn't true and

(c) the incredible deception of the industrial-medical complex for the past 100 years*** and

(d) the incredible propaganda job of the media these past 3 years. 

What would this new information mean?

Just think about it:

If viruses do not exist, what does this mean for anyone who gets sick with 'the flu', or 'a cold'?

What does this actually mean?

Well three things:

1. Firstly, we have been lied to and deceived about illness by the medical system. Well, we know that many people are now waking up to this truth. If you have watch the videos in the 'True History of Modern Medicine' and 'The Cult of the Medics' you will know that the deception of modern medicine started well over a century ago - a deliberate, planned agenda to keep people misinformed and sick.

2. Secondly, it means that the symptoms of 'the flu' or a 'virus' are not actually due to a virus. But since the symptoms ARE there and they ARE real, then they must be due to something, right?

As I learned many years ago, 'the body is far too intelligent to make mistakes'. If it is manufacturing symptoms, then there is an intelligent reason for it doing so. 

Our job as the inhabitor of our body is to work out WHY our body is creating symptoms, so we can (a) heal as quickly and efficiently as possible with as little external intervention as possible (ie drugs, surgery, supplements) and (b) do our best to avoid illness happening again if possible, or at least lessen how often we get ill. 

3. Thirdly, what would this mean in regards to what has happened in the past 3 years? If viruses do not exist, does the C***vid virus exist? When you understand the history of viral term theory, which is explored in detail in the 'End of Covid' series, you may see things in a different light.


Terrain Theory replacing Germ Theory?

So what does 'Terrain Theory' say about causing 'viral symptoms'?

This is not an easy topic or theory to describe in a few words, and I recommend to get a clear picture to get the story from the horses' mouth, Dr Andy Kaufmann***.  He describes the concept in detail in several interviews in the 'End of Covid' video series, along with colleagues Dr Mark Bailey**** and other experts. 

But here is a snippet of this theory:

The latin word 'virus' means 'poison, slime or venom'. 

According to Terrain Theory, a 'virus' refers to toxic waste exiting the body, because the body needs to excrete the toxins in order to stay healthy.

This makes sense right?

In order to stay 'clean' we need to get rid of 'dirt'.

If your clothes get dirty, you wash them, right?

When you car is dirty, you clean it... when the floor is covered in dirt, you vacuum...  you get the picture.


Understanding the Natural Healing Process

Our body is CONSTANTLY doing a clean-up job, in its wondrous work of keeping us ALIVE and healthy.

Mostly we don't notice this clean-up job, because it does it automatically, 24 hours a day, and especially at night (which is why we need good sleep). 

But what if there is a toxin overload? An overwhelming build-up of toxic matter?

Well, very intelligently, the body will do whatever it needs to do to expel said toxins. 

Including taking us out with a so-called 'virus' (headache, temperature, sore throat, achey joints...)

And as it does this, we WILL feel sick. Because we are MEANT to feel sick! Because our body needs us to SLOW DOWN AND STOP so it can DO it's job of healing us. 

If we have a high fever, it's our body doing it's NATURAL job of 'burning up' the rubbish in our system, just like we burn up rubbish on a bonfire.

So this healing process is normal. It's part of the natural healing mechanisms of the body which innately KNOW how to self-heal. 

But how often do we CELEBRATE illness and thank our body for doing its job?

One of the things we have to learn as humans is to HONOUR our self-healing processes, and understand the meaning and purpose of symptoms.

This 'getting sick and getting well' cycle is known as the 'healing response' or 'natural healing cycle'. We need to understand that symptoms are not our enemy - they are our friend. 

If we can understand that symptoms have meaning and messages, and learn to interpret and work out why our body is producing them, and allow our body to go through the natural self-healing process, we will manage our 'illness' much better. 

As we do this, we are going to come to understand the multitude of factors which contribute to the build-up of toxins (aka illness) in the first place. 

To put it simply, ongoing and long-term stress plays a major MAJOR role in the creation of illness (symptoms).

Stress can be due to a multitude of factors, such as unhealthy lifestyle habits, including:

  • Unresolved stress and stressful life habits
  • Unresolved emotional trauma and unhealthy ways of managing (or not managing) feelings
  • Not dealing with our feelings
  • Pushing ourselves too hard
  • Over-working, overdoing it,
  • Not enough self care
  • and much more

The question is, how balanced is your life? Are you taking care of yourself?

In 17 years of coaching clients to get well, I have noticed that lack of self-care and ignoring one's needs is the number one reason for people getting sick. 

This is precisely why people can keep going for months like the energizer bunny, and then as soon as they go on holiday, they get sick with a 'flu' - this is the body's natural self-healing process kicking in once the body slows down enough to allow healing to happen. 


Environmental Toxins

More and more we are being hammered by environmental toxins including:

  • Pesticides, herbicides
  • Toxic products we put on our skin (make up, skin cremes...)
  • Toxic medications and even over-use of supplements
  • Toxic va**inations
  • Toxic food and drink we put in our body (junk food, processed food, food additivies, preservatives, coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol...)
  • Toxins in the air around us, for example the fallout of elements of climate engineering******
  • And in particular the ever-growing and increasing EMF (electro magnetic fields) smog we live in and are immersed in like living in an EMF 'soup'


Living in an EMF Soup

One of the major proponents of Terrain Theory is the unseen but very REAL effects of EMF - think WIFI - on the body's ability to stay healthy. 

Just think of the number (thousands) of satellites sent into space the last 2 years.

Just think of how many wifi spots come up on your phone.

They are all beaming EMF into you 24 hours a day. Non-stop. And it's not healthy! It changes your blood cells in seconds! Just research live blood analysis and EMF to find out more on that. 

Simple solution: TURN OFF YOUR WIFI AT NIGHT! Just do it! And see if you sleep and feel better. 


Water Terrain Theory

Also, the quality of our WATER is paramount.

Science has more recently shown we are 99% water, not 73% as previously stipulated. 995 WATER!

What is the quality of the water you are drinking?

Do you drink out of the tap if you live in a city? If you do, STOP IT! It's building up toxins in your system!

Do you drink copious amounts of coffee or soft fizzy drinks? STOP IT! It's building up toxins in your system!

Do you drink alcohol often? Do you know that when you feel 'drunk' this is the liver trying to expel toxins from your body?

It's absolutely paramount for good health that we pay attention to the quality of the liquids we are putting in our body, and predominantly put in high quality water throughout the day. 

If you want to learn more about water, watch the 'Terrain Water Film'.


To Finish Up

I could talk and write for hours on the topic of what causes illness and what creates (restores) health?

I've spent the past 30 years exploring the topic, and discovered a lot of information which no-one ever told me when I was growing up. It has transformed my understanding of illness in a very empowering and freeing way. 

The purpose of this little (quite long now) rant is to introduce a different viewpoint into 'why it is we may be getting sick with a virus', and even to question - as Terrain Theory does -whether viruses even exist*****. 

If viruses have never been proven to exist, and the truth is that we have been lied to and deceived in so many ways by the modern medical industrial complex, don't you think it's at least worth considering that we may also have been lied to about viruses,, and that this proposed new Terrain Theory may be true?

It's up to each of us to discover the truth, and the truth is, when new information 'comes to light', it replaces previous theories we believed to be true. Just think of how many people thought the earth was flat or the sun moved around the earth to know the truth of this. 

The bottom line is, we have to each discover why it is we become sick. In my experience, there are ALWAYS underlying reasons, even if we haven't seen them up until now. Even accidents are never accidents and have meaning! This is why I love doing my 'health detective' work! Getting to the root cause of symptoms is very fascinating, and also freeing and empowering, because we are no longer at the mercy of our symptoms. Symptoms and illness become our friend... our TEACHER.

The reality is, we are living in a toxic world, where our body is dealing with an ever-growing and constant onslaught of external and internal stressors on a daily basis. Our job is to minimize this onslaught, and keep ourselves as emotionally, mentally, energetically and physically toxin-free as possible. Then we simply experience less illness.

To your health!



* Failed contagion studies  Source: 'The End of Covid' series

** See James Corbett's 3 part series 'The Media Matrix' for the true history of the media

*** See 'The True History of Modern Medicine' to understand the truth about modern medicine

Cult of the Medics - A deep dive into the esoteric history of modern medicine

*** Dr Andrew Kaufmann and Terrain Theory

**** Dr Mark Bailey, 'The end of virology' paper

EMF Information Website https://emfdetective.mykajabi.com/ 

***** I also addressed this topic in a previous blog: https://artofhealth.mykajabi.com/blog/what-if-viruses-don-t-exist 

****** Geo Engineering Watch

The 'Terrain Water Film'.


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