The True(r) History of Vaccines

innoculation Jul 31, 2023

It is said that 'those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it'.

Well, today I learned some interesting and important history... about the 'invention' of innoculation... aka vaccination. 

This is certainly not the history I was told or taught growing up. And I don't think it's what most people will have been taught either.

Most of us, I believe, have grown up thinking and being told that vaccination is the solution to preventing major diseases, such as polio, small pox, and more recently flu and Covid.

However, as you watch the newly released documentary 'Dissolving the Vaccine Illusion', (free to watch for a short time only in the 'EOC' series), your understanding of this topic will likely be forever changed. 

I need to watch and re-watch this documentary a few times more to fully take on board the staggering statistics and details it reveals, (and this blog will be updated as I do), but for now, upon watching the first half, here are a few salient facts:

  • We've been taught for decades that vaccines cure disease. Historical statistics compiled in this well-researched documentary clearly show this is not the case, and that death rates from various 'pandemics' were already massively reduced before the vaccines were introduced for each disease. Put bluntly, the public have been lied to over and over again, and have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. 
  • The art of vaccination began in earnest in the 1800's . You may be mind-boggled to see how it actually started, and suspect never again will want to put another so-called 'vaccine' in your body. 
  • Forced vaccination, and fines and imprisonment for refusing to take then, is not a new phenomenon. Back in the 1800's thousands were imprisoned and fined for refusing to take vaccines. 
  • Serious adverse effects including death have been recorded since the 1800s, with many doctors saying they would never recommend vaccines.

The only way to really understand the truth of vaccines is to understand history - the history you have unlikely been told.

This documentary gives you this history.

It's over to you whether you wish to inform yourself of the truth. Then and only then will history not keep repeating itself. 

You can watch the documentary on the EOC series, free for a limited time only. It is session #43.

The more people who understand the true history of medicine, the more we will see the truth of what is happening, and the more we will stop this happening again. 

Now is the time. 



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