Good News, Bad News: The (Old) Healthcare System is Collapsing

healthcare May 20, 2023

"Whilst the majority of people have been drawn for the past century to the 'mainstream' (allopathic) medical system, inadvertently conditioned to believe it is the best and only type of healthcare available, hundreds of forward-thinking health practitioners, with thousands of clients, have been using a different approach for over 40 years"...

Recently I heard an interesting (and some may say startling) statistic:

46% of the NHS (national health service) in the UK have left, and 50% of the specialists and surgeons have also disappeared.*

Whilst many will be mourning this loss, others are celebrating with joy.


For two reasons:

1. The only constant in life is change: seen in bigger spans of time, life is always evolving and changing, and the breakdown of the current healthcare system is part of this natural process of change.

2. The prevailing 'allopathic' healthcare system needs to change because it is outdated, and at times, even...

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