Productive vs Non-Productive Thoughts

mental health Jun 25, 2023

Constructive vs 'Destructive' Thoughts

What is 'constructive' or 'destructive' thinking?

Simply put, it's the difference between the effects and outcomes our thoughts have on ourselves, others, situations, and our environment. 

'Constructive' thoughts produce beneficial effects, whilst 'destructive' thoughts produce the opposite effect.

And from a standpoint of 'peace of mind', our thoughts will either lead to greater or lesser peace.

It's important to understand the nature and power of thoughts if we want to be happy and healthy.

So the question is, what types of thoughts are you regularly producing and repeating in your mind?

Thoughts are Real

Thoughts are powerful. And they are real.

On unseen 'meta-physical' levels of existence, 'thought forms' are 'form' - but not usually seen on physical-plane reality.

For example, a woman having a near-death experience recounted (afterwards) how she could SEE her thoughts as 'clouds of energy' around her: every time...

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Mouse-hunting Your Thoughts

mental health Jun 25, 2023

'All healing is awareness: becoming aware of what we were previously aware of, and then we have new choices' (Gilles Marin)

  • What is constructive, productive thinking?
  • When is thinking useful, and when not?
  • How do we know when to 'think'... if we should be thinking?

The more we are in connection with our True Self, the less we will 'think thoughts', unless they are needed, productive and useful.

When we are really connected with our True Self, we will often have no thoughts in our mind - it will be completely peaceful and still, like a calm pond. Obviously, it takes time to reach this 'state of mind' but it is possible, and good to know the ultimate goal. 

The more we clear emotional baggage, this will also contribute to a peace-filled mind, because much thinking is an unconscious habitual tactic for unconsciously avoiding feelings. We stay stuck in our head so we don't have to feel what is going on in our body, and emotions are predominantly generated from...

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New Discoveries about your Brain and Mental Health

mental health Jan 25, 2023

New studies show the frightening link between neurodegenerative disease and mental health conditions that show you may be at higher risk for developing Parkinson’s, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, or some other “brain-wasting” type of neurodegenerative disease if you’ve been struggling with any type of mental health condition.

But there is good news, and there are answers and solutions, so you don’t have to be another 1 in 4 statistic…

In this free 5 part masterclass series (4th-8th Feb 2023) you will:

UNCOVER the mystery of neurodegenerative disease and mental health conditions and DISCOVER data-driven and proven solutions for reversing and healing from these conditions and diseases

REVERSE ADD/ADHD, dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain fog, and more by understanding root causes and data-driven strategies and solutions

HEAL the root causes of brain-related conditions no matter how old you are, and RECLAIM...

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