Natural Healing from Cancer

cancer lifestyle medicine Oct 26, 2022

It always makes me very sad when I hear people I know (and don't know) have been diagnosed with cancer, not just because they are ill, but because of the treatments the medical system still predominantly recommends, namely radiation and chemo. The discomfort and harm these treatments cause is harrowing, and I wouldn't wish anyone have to endure them. 

Recently I watched an eye-popping documentary which revealed how chemo was originally invented: it was the by-product of oil production. I was truly shocked when I learned this.

(See the short 3 min clip above, and if you watch the full documentary, I recommend watching from start to finish to get a clear picture of the full story).

I don't know how much has changed in the contents of chemo, but what I do know is that the ingredients are highly toxic to the human body, which is why people feel so utterly sick during treatment. 

The good news is, there are other options.

The bad news is, the conventional medical system still does not recognize them, and continues to say their options are the best and only way.

To me this is criminal, and verging on barbaric, and quite simply not true.

If you've read the book by Anita Moorhani 'Dying to be Me', and her story of recovery from cancer, you will know that one of the biggest parts of the answer is SELF LOVE AND FORGIVENESS.

As a therapist, there is no doubt in my mind that the body has an amazing capacity to self-heal, and that even if we can't do without medication or surgery completely (and sometimes they are both beneficial and necessary), we can reduce our reliance on them, and use other means to heal. And sometimes we can heal completely without using external intervention at all. In the future, this will be common knowledge.  

A few years ago I offered a short info program specifically to explain some of the common root causes of breast and prostate cancer. It describes the underlying 'stress-emotional conflict themes' from a 'Lifestyle Prescription' perspective. 

In short, the overriding theme for breast cancer is lack of love and self-care, and for prostate cancer it is the giving away of one's power as a man. 

This is because, every cell, tissue and organ in the body have a dual function: biological and emotional. If we don't deal with our stress, the body will manifest that stress physically as symptoms, and much illness is the result of unresolved stress and trauma. 

The truth is, there are many more solutions to healing cancer than most people are told, and you just have to know where to look for them, which can be one of the biggest challenges. 

Today on the Lifestyle Medicine Summit one of the topics is how to heal from cancer naturally, with naturopath Christa Krahnert.

You can still join and watch the replays free of charge, or buy the whole series to watch on demand. 

Register to watch now



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