What if nothing was holding you back?

trauma Dec 03, 2022
  • What would life look like if there was nothing holding you back?  
  • How would it be if you could get out of your own way?
  • Would your life look and feel different?

This is what we'll be exploring in the 'Healing Family Trauma Summit'.

There is no doubt in my mind that unresolved trauma lies at the root of most of our suffering, individually and collectively.

Family trauma comes in many shapes and sizes:

It can start at birth with 'birth trauma'.

It can be plentiful during the formative years of our life up to the age of 7, when most of our subconscious programming is set in place.

Then we go through our teen years, and into adult, solidifying hurts which have not been healed.

And continuously experience ongoing life events which constantly challenge us mentally and emotionally.

And then we wonder why we end up unhappy, disatisfied and sick.

Family trauma doesn't just mean this life.

Family trauma is passed down from generation to generation energetically, and is part of the reason of why our DNA and genes are as they are. This is the true meaning of 'genetic'.

And it can also be karmic, from other lives.

So trauma is a big topic, and in the 'Healing Family Trauma Summit' the speakers (including myself) will be focusing on how to heal family trauma, so that you can get on with living your life.

Register here or click on the image below - it's free to attend in December


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