What does an enlightened planet look like?


Every now and then, a film comes along that you feel you have to tell your friends and family about.

The Portal is a beautiful heart opening film - It will make you laugh, cry, dance and even meditate.

The film traverses in and around six, powerful, real-life stories of people that have overcome crisis using yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

It also explores our own planetary crisis and asks us some big questions like: “What does an enlightened planet look like?”

Watching this film and joining in this movement in real time is a once in a lifetime experience and something you do not want to miss out on!

Go here to watch the full Portal now

Join to watch the 'Bigger Picture' Video Series


About the Film

The Portal brings to life the stories of six very different people who went through crisis, and transformed.

They discovered the potential that we all have to change our lives, and our world.

Including insights from three of the world’s leading futurists, and an empathetic robot, this richly visual and sonically powerful documentary blends personal stories, ancient wisdom, technology, and human potential as it takes the viewer on a global mindfulness journey.

Opening hearts and minds to a new way forward, this life-affirming documentary points to our current human inflection point, inviting all 7 billion people to reimagine life by entering The Portal—in their lives, and the world.

Featuring: Daniel Schmachtenberger, Mikey Siegel, Dr. Julia Mossbridge, Heather Hennessy, Ron ‘Booda’ Taylor, Amandine Roche, Due Quach, James R Doty MD, Ronnie Cahana We are excited about bringing this documentary to the world. Go to https://entertheportal.com/ and join the tribe!



What people are saying about the film:

"What a massive film! Well done!” Bill Bennett, Film Director and Producer

"This is going to be bigger than big. I was expecting something great but that blew my head off!!!!!!!!!!!” - Jack Delosa, The Entourage

“Blown Away!! So so profound, and a message the world needs to hear.” - Maria Sipka, Co-Founder of Linqia“An amazing film!” Alexander Haythen, Director Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes

“This film is a game changer!” Andrea Brooke, Sonic Butterfly

Go here to watch the full Portal now


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