Standing up for what is Natural... Healthy... and Fair.

natural products Jan 27, 2023

Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” Hipocrates (a long, long time ago).

What would it be like if you could no longer buy the following items in your local supermarket in New Zealand?:

Cayenne pepper, cinammon, turmeric, coconut, mustard, eggplant, aloe vera, black pepper, neem?

There are many more items to add to this list (which you can read further down this post), but because these ones are common cooking items, I've mentioned them first.

Currently the NZ government is wanting (for the 3rd time in the past couple of decades) to RESTRICT the public from being able to purchase these items freely.


Because their rational is (wait for this, it will have you falling off your chair in shock):

'If something can be proven to benefit health, it needs to be a medicine'.*


Are they serious?

They sure are.

In other words, if you put anything in your mouth which could benefit your health, it might need to be deemed medicine and only...

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