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Why do we get sick? Is there a reason?

healing workshop Jul 24, 2024

"One of the biggest revelations for me was coming to understand that symptoms are often due to the body being in a self-healing process"...

  • Have you ever wondered 'why do I get sick'?
  • Are you curious to understand what causes symptoms or illness?
  • What if I were to tell you there is a rhyme and reason, and that if you get sick, you are meant to and it's a good thing - would you believe me? 
  • Would this change your viewpoint on illness?

Hi, my name is Kim, aka the "Kiwi Health Detective', and for 30 years I've been exploring what causes illness and what restores health naturally.

On this long journey to comprehend the human body, one of the biggest revelations for me was coming to understand that symptoms are intelligent and necessary. And that sometimes (often) when we are experiencing symptoms, the symptoms themselves are part of the body being in a self-healing process. 

We can experience many types of symptoms, for many reasons, and on the whole, most people...

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What could I say to help?

stiff persons syndrome Jul 02, 2024

This week I watched Celine Dion's new documentary film 'I am Celine'. 

It was a riveting watch, and harrowing at times to see the suffering she is going through with her diagnosis of 'stiff person's syndrome' (SPS). 

After watching, I so wanted to reach out and offer help, but obviously have no idea how to make contact with a celebrity such as herself.

So here is my message anyway, of what I would like to share... 

Dear Celine

My name is Kim, I’m a root cause and chronic illness recovery coach, and I've spent 20 years helping people overcome all sorts of weird and strangely named syndromes which most doctors say have no known cause and are impossible to treat. 

After watching your film, I felt compelled to reach out in some way, in the hope it could help find more answers for your rare health syndrome, solutions which quite likely up until now you have been unaware even exist.

Before I go on, firstly, I wish to say how deeply sorry I am you are...

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The Power of the Mind to Heal the Body

joe dispenza source film Jun 15, 2024

The ability of the power of the mind to heal the body is a subject I've been studying, exploring and putting into practice for over 30 years now.

My first introduction to this topic was over 40 years ago, when I read several books by Shirley MacLaine, recounting her travels to various far-off lands to meet with shaman healers and spiritual surgeons.

My understanding of healing was forever changed as she described her first-hand experience of 'spirit surgery', where she was guided to put her hand into the abdominal cavity of a person, only to discover that instead of blood and guts, there was only space inside the body! (If you're wondering how this is possible, it has to do with one's state of awareness and consciousness, but no time to get into that now...)

Since then I have done thousands of hours of study and application in ancient and futuristic techniques for healing the body-mind, including energy...

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Hormonal Havoc - Covid Fallout?

hormones long covid Jun 10, 2024

"We've been dealing with a tsunami of health issues since Covid" 

Dr Margaret Christensen, The Hormonal Havoc Summit Convenor

Understanding COVID’s effect on your mental well-being

Are you struggling to stay focused, battling brain fog, or feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and depression?

According to Dr Margaret Christensen, you're not alone.

Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on your neurological and mental health, manifesting in a myriad of symptoms, including:

  • Brain fog
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Persistent headaches
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Lightheadedness
  • Olfactory dysfunction
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

These challenges can leave you feeling isolated, frustrated and uncertain about the future.

It can feel like an uphill battle, but it's one you don't have to face alone.

The impact of hormonal imbalances on brain and mental health is profound, affecting individuals of all genders and ages who have had COVID-19 infections and/or the injections, along with those who have experienced higher...

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Unlock Your Soul's Blueprint

mind body soul Feb 21, 2024

Mind Body and Soul - Journey to The Ultimate You!

Finding Calm in a Loud (and Annoying) World

Available until 27 Feb 2024 only!

Do you ever feel like life is just too much?

Like when you're stuck in traffic and you're going to be late, and your day begins with being annoyed? 

Or when you're trying to pay bills, and there's too much month left at the end of your money? It can feel like carrying a heavy backpack that you can't put down.

These days, when we scroll through our feeds, it seems like every story is doom and gloom, rubbing off the shine to the happy moments in our day. 

It's like the world is shouting at us all the time…

…and we just want some peace and quiet to stop feeling so stressed out.

Wouldn't it be nice to find a way to make the loud world quiet and feel light, like when you're laughing with friends or find money in a coat you haven't worn in a while?

If you want to feel better, I recommend you check out The Mind-Body-Soul Super Stack ...

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The Bliss - and Necessity - of a Good Night's Sleep

emf sleep wifi Nov 26, 2023

As I wrote about in my very first EMF blog, it took 6 months for the effects of wifi to slowly build up inside me, and because it happened so slowly, I didn't realize what was happening, or why my mental clarity was deteriorating. 

Fresh as a Daisy

This morning I woke up feeling as fresh as a daisy, almost as if I'd morphed overnight into a new person. 

Even waking at 6.30am, after going to bed later than usual, after an unusually late night out attending an inspirational gala event for women's refuge, my mind was crisp, and energy high. 

Why, you may ask, is this of any consequence, for me, or you?

Well, as you may know, or have personally experienced, not sleeping well is the pits.

When you don't sleep well, you simply can't function as a proper human being. You turn into a quasi-zombie.

  • Your mind will be foggy
  • Energy will be low
  • You'll be less productive (or maybe completely unproductive)
  • And you'll probably be emotionally short-tempered and crabby
  • You'll...
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Breaking Down to Break Through: Navigating Collective Insanity

mass psychosis Oct 21, 2023

A couple of years ago, during a 'lockdown' event, I woke up one day and thought to myself, 'the world is in a mass hypnosis event'. 

I could feel so strongly how so many people around the world had been hypnotized by the narrative fed to them by their governments and media. I could clearly see how the world had been sent into a trance of some sort. I talked about it in some of my pink hat videos (here and here), a project where I endeavoured to share useful mind health tips during my daily lockdown walk.

That same week, Mattias Desmet brought his 'mass formation' theory to the world, and it went viral.

Last week I woke up and thought to myself, 'the world is having a collective psychotic episode' - in other words, a breakdown. It feels like the levels of insanity in events going on around the world are simply off the charts.

The one good thing about breakdowns is that they are often a precursor to breaking through...

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Building a New Healthcare System - Avoiding the Pitfalls


It's absolutely essential that the populace - that means EVERYONE - become de-programmed from the conditioned belief that the allopathic system should be the primary lead into a new medical system. It's absolutely ESSENTIAL that people understand ALL healthcare approaches have validity. It's time for natural healthcare practitioners to be taken seriously, and for allopathic and natural healthcare to merge. Kim Knight

When it comes to creating a new or better healthcare system, it’s time we addressed the elephant in the room: recognizing a better system cannot be built only by those who created, were trained by and ran / still run the current legacy system.

Obviously, most of us who have woken up these past few years, now realize that those who founded and ran the corrupted system from its inception - ie, big oil, big bankers, big pharma - are not the right people to run a successful healthcare system which puts the health and wellbeing of the...

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7 Types of Tiredness associated with Chronic Fatigue Conditions

cfs fatigue m.e. Aug 21, 2023

Originally Published 

There can be much misunderstanding and confusion over the real meaning behind symptoms of ‘chronic fatigue’, and what actually causes various kinds and types of debilitating exhaustion.

There can also be much confusion over the difference between the labels of ‘ME’ (myalgic encephalomyelitis), ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ (CFS), ‘post viral fatigue’, burnout, ‘adrenal fatigue’ and more, all conditions which leave one with the experience of overwhelming and seemingly inexplicable tiredness.

So I hope this information will go a way to explaining the differences. What I am about to share comes from 20 years of research into this topic, as a result of my own personal experience of adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome and burnout, plus working with hundreds of clients since 2006 with these conditions.

Before we get into 7 of the...

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Fluoride - Is It Safe? (cont).

fluoride Aug 06, 2023

'The Engineering of Consent'.

A few key points from the video above:

Edward Bernays was known as the 'Father of Spin', a master of social engineering.

He wrote a book called 'Propaganda' which described how to control the mind of the masses - 'the mass mind'. 

He understood that to appeal to and manipulate people, you invoke emotions and fear. 

The aluminium company of America engaged him to head the campaign for the fluoridation of the water in the USA.

Before fluoride was used by dentists, it had been used for years as a poison, eg, rat poison. It is a man-made substance that eats through concrete and glass. 

It is banned in water in many countries around the world, including China, Japan, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Hungary and more. And yet in other countries like New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and USA, citizens are told it is safe. 

Do you still think fluoride is safe to put in your drinking water?


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