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The Kiwi Health Detective

The Kiwi Health Detective

Hosted by: Kim Knight - Root Cause and Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner

Cutting-edge 21st century healthcare. Healing from Within.

All Episodes


Beliefs Behaviours Cycle

Many would not tie our emotions to our health. In this episode, I share the roll that beliefs can play on the creations of symptoms and illness. Check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at...
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Consciousness, Health and You

This episode features an excerpt from Kim’s free mini series ‘The 5 Levels of Healing’. You will learn how your level of consciousness will determine the type of therapy you are likely to seek out or even find, which...
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The hidden secrets of prostate cancer

In this episode you will learn some of the metaphysical (‘beyond physical’) reasons for what causes prostate cancer. New research shows that certain emotional ‘conflict themes’ can have a physical effect on our body,...
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Health and Fitness for the over 40’s

Find out why our fitness needs change as we enter our 40’s and 50’s. In this episode Kim is interviewed by Allan Misner on the 40+ Fitness Podcast Show on the topic of, yes, you guessed it, health and fitness for the...
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Genetics, Epigenetics and Epi Epigenetics – do you know the difference?

Kim shares how traditional genetic theory has long been superceded by Epigenetics, and how there may be even more beyond Epigenetics! For example, could the traumatic events of your ancestors be affecting your health...
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10 Signs of Stress

Want to reduce your stress? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at
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How to Move From Victim to Self Mastery

Why we feel disempowered and at the mercy of outside events or people in our life, rather than feeling strong and self empowered. We look at where and how this gets set up in life, and how we can start to turn it...
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The importance of support for emotional wellbeing and good health

Kim shares the importance of emotional support for cognitive function, and how just by being offered help, we can reduce stress and improve brain function. Want to understand and trust your body better? Then check out...
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Do You Trust Your Body? with Kim Knight, The Kiwi Health Detective

In this episode we look at the issue of trust, and how and where we learn to stop trusting ourselves and others in life. Want to understand and trust your body better? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional...
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An Introduction to Emotional Mastery with Kim Knight, The Kiwi Health Detective

In the first part of the ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ Kim covers topics such as How and why emotions are generated in the body How and why emotions get stuck in the body
 The positive role which negative...
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Kim interviewed by 'Talk to a Doc' on the Emotional Intelligence in Physical Illness

In this episode Katya Trent, founder of Health Coaches Kentucky, interviews Kim Knight on her 'Talk to a Doc' Show on the role emotions play in creating (and discreating) illness.  As Kim explains, unless and until we...
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Accepting the Healing Journey - What to do when you feel stuck in your journey back to health

Why on our healing journey do we sometimes feel we are getting no-where, and what are the steps we can take to keep going when we feel desperate and feel it's too much to keep going? In this episode health coach Kim...
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