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An Introduction to Emotional Mastery with Kim Knight, The Kiwi Health Detective

In the first part of the ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ Kim covers topics such as

  • How and why emotions are generated in the body
  • How and why emotions get stuck in the body

  • The positive role which negative emotions play

  • What the laws of physics has to do with emotions

  • The connection between quantum physics and emotions

  • How to tell if emotions are stuck inside you

  • 2 key ways that emotions get stuck inside the body

  • The revelation that all the happiness we could ever want is already inside!

  • What happens when you don't listen to your 'gut feelings'

  • How emotions keep us happy, healthy and safe

  • The 3 different levels of body communication inside our body

  • How we have 3 brains and how each brain has a different role

  • How shock moments and trauma lead to emotions getting stuck in the body
  • The first step you MUST take if you want to clear and manage emotions
  • and much more...  

To get the full ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ mini series go to


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