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The Kiwi Health Detective

The Kiwi Health Detective

Hosted by: Kim Knight - Health and Personal Development Coach

Cutting-edge 21st century healthcare. Understand how it's possible to take care of your health and wellbeing from the inside out with TKM Lifestyle Medicine and more.

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How Emotional Patterning is Set Up in Childhood

How we respond emotionally, along with unhealthy patterns of consciousness, are set up by the age of 7. This video, excerpted from the 'Emotional Freedom' series, explains how and why this happens. Watch the video at...
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Completion and New Beginnings - Guided Exercise

A guided journey to let go of the old, and move into 2021 with fresh hope, confidence and joy.  During this guided experience you will be taken on an inner journey to reflect on your learnings and progress from the...
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The goal of life cultivation: the 5 treasures of life

In this first of 4 episodes we look at the goal of Ren Xue life cultivation: the 5 treasures of life.  To watch the full series in video format (so you can see the visuals) sign up at...
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The 4 Levels of Trust

How much do you trust? Or live in fear? In this episode, part 1 of 4, we look at what we need to increase our levels of trust. Watch the full free introductory video series at...
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Genetics, Epigenetics and more

In this episode (excerpted from the EAL5 Return to Health program, a self-help training which teaches people how to self-heal chronic symptoms of illness) we look at the topics of genetics, epigenetics, ancestral...
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From Fear to Calm - A Few Tips

Tips for understanding how to clear stress and fear.  To watch the video version go to:
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Hope to cope when your world is turned upside down

Tips for coping when the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. To watch the video version of this podcast go to
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Understanding the Bigger Reason for World Crises

In this episode I explore the much bigger and positive reasons for world crises. Watch the video with images at
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Are You Breaking The Laws Of Health?

What happens when you break the laws of health? What are the consequences? Find out...
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5 Key Elements for Reversing Illness Naturally

Excerpt from the 'Return to Health' self-help training. More info:
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How Stuck Emotions Cause Illness

An indepth explanation of how stuck energy and stuck emotions end up causing a heap of life problems including illness.  Watch the video version here
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A Discussion on Mental Health

Recently I sat down and discussed mental health with Liz Fry on Radio Taranaki. This is the interview. To listen to more episodes from Liz's show 'Around the Fire' go to...
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