The Bliss - and Necessity - of a Good Night's Sleep

emf sleep wifi Nov 26, 2023

As I wrote about in my very first EMF blog, it took 6 months for the effects of wifi to slowly build up inside me, and because it happened so slowly, I didn't realize what was happening, or why my mental clarity was deteriorating. 

Fresh as a Daisy

This morning I woke up feeling as fresh as a daisy, almost as if I'd morphed overnight into a new person. 

Even waking at 6.30am, after going to bed later than usual, after an unusually late night out attending an inspirational gala event for women's refuge, my mind was crisp, and energy high. 

Why, you may ask, is this of any consequence, for me, or you?

Well, as you may know, or have personally experienced, not sleeping well is the pits.

When you don't sleep well, you simply can't function as a proper human being. You turn into a quasi-zombie.

  • Your mind will be foggy
  • Energy will be low
  • You'll be less productive (or maybe completely unproductive)
  • And you'll probably be emotionally short-tempered and crabby
  • You'll...
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