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The Power of the Mind to Heal the Body

joe dispenza source film Jun 15, 2024

The ability of the power of the mind to heal the body is a subject I've been studying, exploring and putting into practice for over 30 years now.

My first introduction to this topic was over 40 years ago, when I read several books by Shirley MacLaine, recounting her travels to various far-off lands to meet with shaman healers and spiritual surgeons.

My understanding of healing was forever changed as she described her first-hand experience of 'spirit surgery', where she was guided to put her hand into the abdominal cavity of a person, only to discover that instead of blood and guts, there was only space inside the body! (If you're wondering how this is possible, it has to do with one's state of awareness and consciousness, but no time to get into that now...)

Since then I have done thousands of hours of study and application in ancient and futuristic techniques for healing the body-mind, including energy...

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