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The Power of the Mind to Heal the Body

joe dispenza source film Jun 15, 2024

The ability of the power of the mind to heal the body is a subject I've been studying, exploring and putting into practice for over 30 years now.

My first introduction to this topic was over 40 years ago, when I read several books by Shirley MacLaine, recounting her travels to various far-off lands to meet with shaman healers and spiritual surgeons.

My understanding of healing was forever changed as she described her first-hand experience of 'spirit surgery', where she was guided to put her hand into the abdominal cavity of a person, only to discover that instead of blood and guts, there was only space inside the body! (If you're wondering how this is possible, it has to do with one's state of awareness and consciousness, but no time to get into that now...)

Since then I have done thousands of hours of study and application in ancient and futuristic techniques for healing the body-mind, including energy healing (AHA energy realignment), flower essence therapy (Bach flowers, First Light Flower Essences, New Perception, Perelandra), Qigong (Ren Xue Yuan Gong, the Universal Healing Tao), Qi healing (Ming Yuan medicine), emotional healing (The Emotion Code, Moativational Medicine, Advanced Clearing Energetics) and more... all of which have proven to me beyond doubt that we are all born with the power to heal our body / mind from within, often without the need for harmful toxic substances. 

In fact, the more I understand the incredible power of the body-mind to heal, the more I see how much of our so-called big pharma 'modern' medicine is barbaric, even frankensteinian, and often harmful (did you know that one of the leading causes of death in the USA is 'iatragenic' which means caused by the harms of the doctor?)* Unfortunately, whilst many doctors go into the field of pharmacological medicine with all good intentions, they are unaware of the many harms it can cause. Whilst there are many life-saving surgeries and medications which can save the day, I am truly passionate about teaching people how to instigate their natural God-given healing abilities. Now more than ever, with the collapse of the legacy medical system, it's time that people understood to look at health and healing in a different way. There is another way, and it's time we took it!

So I'm happy to share with you that next weekend you can watch Joe Dispenza's new film 'SOURCE', free for 2 days only, which demonstrates the power of meditation to transform the body-mind. This is the medicine of the future, here now for those who are ready. 

SOURCE – It’s Within You unveils groundbreaking discoveries about the profound impact of meditation on our mind and body.

This powerful new documentary celebrates the research being conducted by a team of dedicated scientists revealing the mind's extraordinary potential to influence the body.

You will witness stories of transformation and healing testimonials … and explore the research that is helping propel meditation and this work to the forefront of modern history.

Featuring never-before-seen data from the largest ongoing meditation study, SOURCE is proof of what is possible.

Click here to register for the film premiere 21-22 June 2024

To your health!

Kim Knight

The Kiwi Health Detective

Root Cause Analysis and Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner


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