A Better Way?
What does the future of healthcare look like? Is there a better way?
For many years now I've been dreaming of contributing to the co-creation of a better healthcare system for the world.
The secret to success will lie in a multi-displinary approach to healthcare, along with making the health and wellbeing of both patients and healthcare practitioners a priority.
On this page you can find recordings and resources relating to presentations for the World Council of Health and other like-minded forward-thinking health organizations.

Building a New HealthCare System of the Future
Presentation - July 2022
What needs to change to bring about a better healthcare system for the future? This is the topic of this webinar for the Vaccine Control Group, where we look at the paradigm shifts needed to bring this into fruition.
Vision and Roadmap of a 23rd Healthcare System
Presentation for the 2nd World Congress for Health, Brazil - July 2022
What does a truly integrative healthcare system look like? This is the topic of this presentation at the Doctors for Life (Medico Pela Vida) and the World Council for Health (WCH) 2nd World Congress for Health in Brazil, bringing together the largest doctor's Freedom alliance in the world.
10 Fundamental Principles of a New Healthcare System
World Council for Health General Assembly Meeting
Presentation April 2022
What is really important for the patient and practitioner in a healthy and successful healthcare system? This is the topic of this presentation for the World Council for Health. Watch it on the WCH website here or watch the video directly below.
To see the replays of all the WCH weekly General Assembly Meetings, go to the World Council for Health newsroom page.
New Solutions for a Better World
Transformational Solutions for Optimal Wellbeing. Inspiration and information for living a better life and creating a better world.
Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine
In this video, originally presented for the Vaccine Control Group, we look at 'what is Lifestyle Medicine and how can it help us solve our healthcare problems... and crisis?
Lifestyle Medicine - Healthcare of the Future?
What is Lifestyle Medicine and why is it considered the next new transformation and paradigm in healthcare? Have you ever been given a prescription focused on improving your lifestyle in order to improve your health? This is the essence of lifestyle medicine - changing your habits to change your life.
Join the Lifestlye Medicine SummitWhat is the one missing piece for positive world change?
World Council for Health 'Better Way' Conference Bath, UK, May 2022
What if there was one missing piece to the puzzle of solving humanity's problems? In this presentation for the inaugural World Council for Health 'Better Way Conference' in Bath, UK May 2022, we look at the one missing piece we must pay attention to if we want to solve humanity's problems at a root causal level. Watch Kim's video presentation below.
Tess Talks with Kim
Why you heal a person, not an illness
Fireside Chat - June 2022
We explore why physical health is greatly influenced by emotional 'dis-ease', and why getting to the root of a physical issue requies looking at a whole person’s life, even back to their birth. Where allopathic medicine sees the symptoms as the problem, in holistic modalities, physical symptoms can be the means by which we uncover the root cause of disease.
Watch the interview with Tess Lawrie, co-founder of the World Council for Health.
Watch the InterviewCovid-19: Are There Hidden Meaning & Messages for Humanity?
Presentation for the World Council for Health - Feb 2022
What if illness is not a mistake, either individually or collectively? What if the pandemic has meaning and purpose? Would this change our perspective on events? Kim presents a new POV in this presentation. Watch it on the WCH website here or watch the video directly below.
To see the replays of all the WCH weekly General Assembly Meetings, go to the World Council for Health newsroom page.
Art of Health Educational Programs
A selection of relevant e-health programs related to the topic of the new healthcare system of the future.
Healthcare and Consciousness - What is the Connection?
How much are you aware that your level of self-awareness dictates the choices you make for your healthcare? Do you know how gaps in awareness will mean you don't know of all the healthcare options available? This super low-cost program explains this very complex topic in easy-to-understand terms, the result of thousands of hours of exploration and training into this topic!
5 Levels of Healthcare, Consciousness and YouA New Era in Healthcare - A Few Relevant Blogs
Click on the images below to read the blogs.
The One Missing Piece [Blog]
We are all working hard to solve humanity's problems. But there is one small problem which may actually be a big problem, because it could be the one missing piece preventing us making better and faster progress: A fundamental understanding of the root cause of the problem, and how to change it at a fundamental level.
The One Missing Piece [Blog]