Private Coaching with Kim
Personal coaching to fast-track results

Private Coaching
Personal coaching helps you solve your health problems in the fastest and easiest way possible. No more trying to work it out yourself - let me do the heavy lifting, all you have to do is follow the recommendations and guidance, and you will see results. Here are the range of private coaching sessions which can help you.
Health Navigator Session
Are you unsure of what you need, what therapy to use, what direction to take for your healing? It can be very confusing if you don't know all the avenues available to you, or if you're new to the natural health field. Different modalities suit different problems, and it's important to choose the right therapy, just like you need to pull the right tool out of your toolbox if you're trying to fix your car. A health navigator session will help you gain clarity on what your next best step is. Book from the 'booking page'.
Kiwi Health Detective Session
If you'd like to take things a litter slower than a full root cause analysis, you can start with a 'health detective' session to explore the root causes of a particular set of symptoms. Whilst the 'root cause analysis' takes a totality approach to connecting the dots of each and every symptom or illness you have ever experienced, giving you a 'helicopter picture' of your whole life, the health detective session focuses on one core set of symptoms or diagnosis. It's still a great way to start getting clarity on why you are unwell, and this clarity is always the first necessary step in healing. See booking page.
Ignite your Potential
Do you feel frustrated, as if you're hitting your head against a brick wall, in your endeavours to fulfil your dreams and follow your purpose? Do you find yourself self-sabotaging, even though you've tried so hard for so long to achieve success? Often we can have unconscious hidden barriers to realizing our goals, commonly known as an 'inner glass ceilings'. The steps to breaking through an up-until-now transparent glass ceiling are to locate and tap into your most powerful resourceful self and reveal your deepest yearnings - these are the non-negotiable steps to igniting your full potential. Without doing this it will be virtually impossible to fulfil those deepest yearnings and realize your dreams. This session will guide you to expand your vision of what you believe is possible for yourself and your life beyond your current horizon. See booking page.
Emotional Regulation / Clearing
If you're struggling with anxiety, fear, hurt, sadness, grief, disappointment, stress or more, book an emotional healing session and we'll start clearing emotional energy at its core. Dealing with emotions doesn't have to be frightening or overwhelming, and with the right tools, you can experience emotional freedom quicker than you might think. See booking page.
Adrenal Fatigue Assessment & Consult
Whilst still unrecognized by most doctors, adrenal fatigue is a very real thing. Symptoms include: ongoing unresolvable exhaustion, brain fog, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, feeling 'wired and tired', poor concentration, mild depression, poor memory, food intolerances, PMS problems, loss of libido and many more. Exhausted adrenals affect the whole endocrine system, as well as all other major organs and organ systems in the body.
This assessment includes a 60 minute consultation to explore the causes of your exhaustion, and recommend the way out. The session includes access to my signature 'Adrenal Fatigue' self-education program and a high quality 'Adrenal Fatigue' self-assessment to help you determine if you have 'adrenal fatigue'. See booking page.
Assertiveness / Self-Empowerment Training
Do you find it difficult to say no or express your true feelings? Do you find yourself avoiding difficult conversations, or allowing others to walk all over you? Are you having challenges with colleagues, your partner, family members, siblings, your boss? Learning to speak our truth, stand our ground, communicate our feelings honestly and create clear boundaries around unfair treatment takes courage. One of the biggest causes of unhappiness and illness is not being able to stand in our power. One of my specialities is teaching people how to do all these things, using my signature 'Authentic Me' Technique. 3 sessions minimum are required to learn, implement and become competent in using this paint-by-numbers technique for taking back your power. See booking page.
Root Cause Analysis
My signature 'root cause analysis' is the best place to start if you are experiencing a complex or long-term health issue. It will save you months of wasted time and thousands of dollars in the long run. I would have saved myself thousands of dollars had I known what took me 20 years to learn, and I don't want you throwing money down the drain like I did. (If you want to see how staying ill for over 10 years cost me more than a million bucks, check out my free 'cost of illness and value of health' program). I also recommend you check out the free 'secrets to health' program which explains in depth my root cause approach to healing. Find out more about the comprehensive Signature Root Cause Analysis package.
3-6 month tailor-made Health and Personal Development Programs
After you have completed a full 'root cause analysis' you are able to embark on a 3 to 6 month health coaching program, tailor-made specifically for your situation.
Every person is unique, and your situation will never be the same as someone elses. Therefore, a set of hand-picked tools and techniques will be chosen to help you resolve whatever problems you are experiencing. These programs teach you how to take control of your health and wellbeing from the inside out, and what you learn will stay with you for the rest of your life. This is the true meaning of healthcare, rather than dis-ease care!
Group Online Health & Personal Development Trainings
As time permits (because group programs require a lot time to prepare, administer and run), I very much enjoy running online group training programs. Keep an eye on the events page or newsletter for details of any upcoming programs or master classes.
And don't worry, if you miss a live training, all programs are recorded and accessible for viewing on demand - see below for details...
Self Help Online Health and Personal Development
Over the years I have designed and created over 100 self-help health programs. The great thing about these programs is that you can take them at your own pace, and they are very affordable and packed with value. You can learn from home in your own time, with ongoing indefinite access to all programs.
Training for Health Professionals
If you are a health professional interested in learning my signature 'root cause analysis' protocol for identifying the real root cause of illness, sign up to the enewsletter to be kept informed of future trainings. This training is appropriate for qualified natural healthcare professionals as well as conventionally allopathic trained medical professionals (doctors, nurses, psychologists etc).
[Enews sign up is at the bottom of the home page].
Health Consulting
The world is changing, the old medical systems are breaking down to make way for the new. But what is the new? What is possible? As someone who has been on the cutting-edge of healthcare for over two decades now, I can help you design a better way.
Speaking Engagements
If you would like a speaker on the topic of healthcare, please contact me to discuss. I have presented at many medical conferences and online summits over the years, and there's nothing I like more than inspiring people with cutting-edge inspirational information!