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Smile your way to Inner Peace

The Inner Smile Meditation is a Taoist Qigong internal exercise for clearing negative emotions from the internal organs where emotions are stored.

This exercise has been handed down by Taoist Masters for thousands of years. The exercises have endured and can have very positive effects both emotionally, mentally and physically when practised regularly.

This meditation was instrumental in helping me overcome chronic fatigue (chronic blocked emotional energy) and clinical depression ('de-pressing' emotions).

When we clear ‘negative’ (not-so-good-feeling) emotions, such as fear, anger, frustration, sadness and worry, we are left with the ‘positive virtues’ (‘good-feeling-emotions’) which are already and always inside of us, but often hidden by the negative emotions.

Doing this meditation allows you to clear away unwanted feelings, like clearing clouds from the sky, so that the sun can shine through naturally.

To find out more or to order the full length CD which includes theory lectures on the 5 elemental forces of nature inside your body, plus several short and long versions of this meditation, email Kim from her website

For more information on Qigong see the Qigong branch of the Art of Health at


50% Complete

Two Step

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