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The link between unconscious survival issues and fear around money

Do you know the impact your birth is having on your whole life?

Do you know that if you experienced trauma at birth it can lead to unconscious sabotaging of success and happiness for the rest of your life, until you clear the trauma?

Are you being all you could be and are you experiencing all the success you deserve and want?

If not, you may want to check your birth experience.

In this podcast transformational health coach Kim Knight shares how her traumatic birth experience caused her to have huge fears around survival and money, and how by clearing the limbic imprint set up at birth she was able to transform her life and move through blocks to success and happiness.

The podcast also includes an excerpt from an interview with Birth into Being founder, and Director of the multi-award nominated film Birth as we know it, Elena Tonetti. 

For more information about working with Kim see

For more information about Birth into Being, see


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