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Secrets to overcoming Depression without Medication

Why emotional mastery is the key to overcoming deep unhappiness

In this interview with Sharon White from the Global Healing Exchange (GHE) and Kim Knight, 'the Kiwi Health Detective', Kim and Sharon talk about:

  • The connection between emotions and depression
  • Why on our journey through depression we can feel worse, and why this is a sign of progress
  • Why mastering our emotional life is essential for overcoming depression
  • Why a mental breakdown may in fact be a 'breakthrough'
  • Why internal disharmony rather than external circumstances create unhappiness
  • The number one action you may need to take if you have, or suspect you have, depression

In this podcast Kim also shares her very personal story of clinical depression and mental breakdown, and how she overcame them both without medication, and became a much stronger person as a result of her own journey through hell and back.

For more information about the GHE see 

To connect with Kim to find out how she can help you see or


Note: Whilst Kim talks about how to overcome depression without medication, she is not in the least advocating this is the only approach. Sometimes medication may be necessary and useful. Neither Kim Knight nor The Art of Health diagnose illness, prescribe restricted medicines, dispense medical advice or cure / heal any person. If you have a medical condition, you are advised to consult a medical practitioner of your choice. 


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