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Why illness doesn't need healing!!

What if...

  • Symptoms are the end-result of something else which up until now has been missed or hidden? Would this change your approach to healing?

What if...

  • Getting to the hidden root cause is the secret to self-healing from all sorts of illnesses and symptoms? Would you want to find out what that root cause is?
What if?! An eye-opening series on the cause (and solution) to illness.

This is the subject matter of this video series.

In the first video we looked at 3 different or potentially new perspectives which could change the way you view illness, recovery and health.

In this episode we look at 'why a person heals their whole life, not an illness'. Ie, when they address their life, they bring their body back into natural balance and illness can leave. We can call this 'total life healing'.

See the full series at


50% Complete

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