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Close Call with a Cult - Lessons in Mind Control (part 1)

abuse bullying gaslighting Aug 15, 2024

"Life will seemingly inadvertently bring us experiences, events, situations and people which give us the opportunity to clear out these old memories and traumas, so that we develop greater wisdom"...

  • How could I have let that happen?
  • Surely I know better? 
  • Why didn't I spot the signs?

These are the sort of questions people ask themselves after their 'lightbulb' moment of seeing they have been manipulated or mind-controlled by an individual - or group of people - and finally having the wisdom and courage to walk away... for good. (ie once and for all and for one's own good - double-entendre intended). 

And these are precisely the questions I found myself asking myself the day after my very close call with what I feel very strongly could be labelled a 'cult'*, after having been (almost) taken in by an organization proporting to be offering some of the best personal development practices in the world... which afterwards I could clearly and shockingly see...

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