What is Wealth? Do you really know?

If I were to ask you 'what is wealth?', what would be your answer?

  • A stash of cash in the bank?
  • Good friends and a happy family?
  • A healthy retirement fund?
  • Vibrant health?
  • A combination of all of these, or perhaps something else?

The reality is, we all have our own definition of wealth, which will largely be the result of our cultural conditioning and personal life experiences, and in this short musing I'd like to share my take on this topic.

Over the past couple of months I've been watching quite a few 'crytpo' videos in an effort to up-educate myself on this subject matter. It's not something I'm particularly interested in, but I feel it's important to learn so I can make informed choices. 

One of the things I notice, is that despite the many opportunities this new type of 'banking' can offer, especially to many underprivileged people, there is one common perspective / goal for many people in the crypto space: to make a profit. 

You may or may not know that currently the opportunity to increase one's investment is much higher in crypto than with your average 'fiat' bank, and this is one of the reasons people are flocking to buy and invest. 

As I listen to crypto experts talk, their main focus is often on how much profit you can make.

Now whilst this may be beneficial for a host of reasons, and whilst it's good and essential to be able to afford to live, I've also noticed how this theme of 'making money' is a carry-over from the previous approach with fiat money: in other words, the banking system may be different (blockchain, crypto, tokens etc) but the mentality of many of the investors has not yet fundamentally changed - ie the goal is still to 'make money' -  the underlying premise is still having lots of money = success and happiness.

But does it really?

What is true happiness?

What is true success?

Do you know what this really means for you?

We have been so programmed for most of our lives that money = success, but is it really?

Does having the biggest bank account, whether fiat or crypto, really make you happy and fulfilled? Does it fulfil your life purpose? Does it serve the world and support the planet?

Personally I think not. 

Yes... it is vital to have enough 'money' to be able to live, pay bills, have a roof over one's head etc. I do believe this is important and essential, otherwise we are just in 'survival' mode and in constant stress. I know from personal experience the stress and unhappiness which not having enough money brings. I absolutely believe it's essential and preferable to have enough to live on. 

But... as I've learned through the Ren Xue life cultivation training, there are more treasures in life than a fat bank account and other material possessions. 

In Ren Xue we say there are 5 treasures humans are really seeking, underneath all the other 'things' we want: when it comes down to it, what we really want actually has very little to do with money. In fact what we are really seeking are:

  1. Health - good physical health where we are free from illness
  2. Happiness - the ability to experience true joy and contentment all or most of the time
  3. Wellbeing - good mental and emotional equilibrium which comes from within, no matter our external circumstances
  4. Growth - ongoing learning and personal development as we grow our consciousness and develop wisdom
  5. Contribution - the ability to serve our fellow men

Once you start to see wealth in this light, it forever changes your concept of and focus on 'money' as wealth. 

No longer is your priority to chase after as many dollars as you can make. No longer do you rate your success by your bank account and business turnover. No longer is your self-esteem a reflection of your monetary wealth.

Instead these 5 treasures become your most important goals, and everything else in your life revolves around them and stems from them. Your whole perspective changes, bringing with it greater peace, contentment and satisfaction. 

So apart from these benefits, why do I feel it's so important to share this new perspective?

Because one of the reasons we collectively and globally find ourselves with so many problems and crises is because of the pattern of human greed. 

When we create and take more than we need, this is greed. And greed, along with other unhealthy patterns of consciousness, are the reason we are on track to destroying the planet and have created so many problems.

So unless we change our fundamental outlook on life, including money, all we may be doing with a new monetary system is re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. 

Fundamentally humans have to learn that making money and huge turnovers does not equal true success. It's quite clear by now that an economic system which demands ever-increasing profits does not work - it just creates a merry-go-round of exploitation and harm. 

So are you ready to create a new paradigm of wealth? Are you ready to embrace the 5 treasures of life?

I hope so - the future of our planet may depend on it. 


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