Resolving Polarity and Duality

freedom Apr 16, 2022

Humans are 'run' by 'patterns of consciousness'.

We all are, until we set ourselves free from them, which takes much work.

It is not until our 'True Self' is manifesting fully (aka we are 'enlightened' or 'self-realized') that our patterns are no longer 'ruling the roost' of our consciousness.

Patterns of consciousness are what create life problems (individually and collectively) because we behave, and feel, and think, and act THROUGH our unconscious patterns, which are deeply embedded in us.

These problems will be our own life problems, and the collective problems of humanity.

The patterns which trip us up include: greed, negativity, pessimism, selfishness, fixed expectations, suspicion, competitiveness, comparison, self-centredness, POLARITY, and more.

INTERNALLY the pattern of 'polarity' manifests as inner conflict: feeling good one day, and bad the next... feeling capable and incapable... fearful and courageous... right and wrong... the list is inexhaustable. When we have inner conflict, we lose our sense of peace and harmony. We become emotionally disturbed and out of sorts. It's not a good feeling, and it affects our positive experience of life.

EXTERNALLY the pattern of polarity manifests as beliefs of 'you are wrong, I am right'.... good and bad... blaming others... WARS... competitiveness in business as opposed to collaboration... the list is also long.

The pattern of polarity is at an all-time high in the world today, as the world is split over the v debate. Families and friends are torn apart. The world is at war.

In order to bring positive change to the outer world, we must first change our INNER world - one person at a time.

So I invite you to learn 2 simple but incredibly effective techniques for RESOLVING INNER POLARITY & DUALITY.

Learn 2 simple exercises for resolving inner conflict in seconds.

Set yourself free.

Help set the world free - one person at a time.


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