How to SPOT and STOP toxic people

On Demand Online Workshop 

with Kim Knight, self-empowerment Coach

Does any of this sound familiar, in relation to any people in your life (partner, boss, family member, friend...)?:

  • You find yourself treading on eggshells, afraid of speaking your truth or voicing your feelings around this person, because if you do, you're chastized, critisized, judged...
  • When you intuitively feel you are right, you are made out to be wrong...
  • You are put down, shamed or humiliated when you don't feel you've done anything to deserve it, leaving you confused and frustrated, questioning your sanity over and over again...
  • When you point out their unfair behaviour, it's turned around on you, making you the bad guy...
  • One minute they're nice to you, the next minute they've turned into a monster...
  • Your heart and gut tell you one thing, but then you don't trust yourself because of what this person keeps telling you?...

These are all common signs of narcissistic behaviour. 

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On Demand Workshop 

How to manage or extricate yourself from toxic people who drain your energy and ruin your life.


gas·​light·​ing ˈgas-ˌlī-tiŋ (noun)
"the psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator"

Sadly, narcissistic, controlling, abusive behaviour from people around us in our life happens far too frequently, and is the cause of much mental, emotional and physical suffering.

In 18 years of coaching clients back to health from chronic health conditions (chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ME, burnout, IBS, anxiety, depression and more), I have found that the stress and consequences of living or working with narcissistic or controlling people often form the root cause of chronic physical and mental symptoms.

Difficult people can turn up in any area of our life, including close family (parents, siblings, children), friends, work (colleagues and bosses) and more.

Mentally and verbally abusive behaviour from others can manifest in a multitude of ways, leaving you feeling hopeless, despairing, confused, and that there must be 'something wrong' with you. Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. When we dig deeper, we find it's not you, it's them!

The problem is, until we fully RECOGNIZE, UNDERSTAND and ACKNOWLEDGE (without shame or self-blame) what is happening, it can be difficult, and often impossible, to do anything about it. We just stay stuck in difficult or abusive relationships which suck our energy and ruin our lives.

My journey through and out of abuse

I always say in order to understand a topic fully, and then share or teach it with others, we first need first-hand experience, ie, we need to have gone through it ourselves, and come out the other side.

Many years ago I found myself in a verbally, emotionally and physically abusive relationship. It took many months to understand what was happening and finally escape the abuse. It was one of the most stressful times of my life, resulting in an ability to function at work, and ongoing emotional suffering at home. However, once I came through it, it turned into one of the biggest gifts in my life, because freeing myself enabled me to help others through similar situations, physically, mentally and emotionally.

The first step in dealing with a toxic relationship (whether at work or home) is to fully recognize what is happening. Without this step being completed properly, we will unconsciously keep ourselves trapped in the same 'groundhog' day situation... possibly for years.

In this one-of-a-kind workshop, I'll be showing you how to spot and stop toxic people in your life, and the steps which you need to take to set yourself free. 

Workshop Overview

  • Learn more than 20 behavioural signs from a toxic person which prove beyond doubt you are in a toxic relationship with anyone in your life, so that once and for all your can let go of all the self-doubting and confusion 
  • Learn to recognize the negative consequences and effects which up until now you've been considering normal and 'just putting up with', which allow you to free up energy, confidence and clarity on what is right for you
  • Learn the signs you're being 'gaslit' (see definition above) - one of the most difficult-to-discern manipulative and mind-bending behaviours from a toxic person which leaves you feeling traumatized, confused and in self-doubt
  • Learn the 5 steps you must take to navigate yourself through and out of a toxic situation with another person, whatever area of your life they are turning up
  • Learn the 7 steps to 'exit' a toxic relationship, which must be completed, if it finally comes to this
  • The real reasons why we unconsciously attract toxic or narcissistic people into our life, how this always goes back to our childhood, and what we can do to heal those root causes
  • and much more besides...

When you attend this workshop, you will come away with clarity on how to tell if people in your life are treating you unfairly or abusively, and what you can do about it right now. 

You don't have to stay confused, overwhelmed, in doubt, or mentally or physically exhausted...

You CAN take your power back and free yourself once and for all. You just need to know how. 

Is it time to set yourself free?

I look forward to seeing you on the workshop!

2 Registration options depending on where you live in the world:

If you live in New Zealand please choose NZD, if you live anywhere else, please use the USD checkout (the 2 choices are purely for NZ tax purposes). 

About Kim

Since 2006 I've been helping people manage and heal complicated health conditions (chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, ME, burnout, adrenal fatigue, IBS, depression, anxiety and more) which I discovered, through working with hundreds of clients almost always have their roots in traumatic childhood experiences and toxic personal or work relationships. 

My own emotionally dysfunctional childhood led me to unconsciously draw myself into a verbally and physically abusive relationship in my 20's, as well as several other dysfunctional partner relationships, culminating in developing clinical depression which required hospitalization, and later 10 years of chronic fatigue.

This led me on a long journey of healing, to identify and clear the root causes of the emotional pain, and re-empower myself to trust and believe in myself. 

In my work as a health and personal development coach, one of the number one techniques I find clients needing over and over again, is how to manage toxic or difficult people in their life, leading me to develop my 'Authentic Me' technique, an easy step-by-step process for creating boundaries around unfair treatment from others. 

I love nothing more than teaching people how to take back their power by respecting themselves enough to no longer tolerate toxic or abusive behaviour from others.

For more information see the following webpages:  main website  client success stories - healing from physical and mental illness directly caused by dysfunctional or abusive childhood experiences  Emotional Healing and Self Mastery  Qigong, Meditation and Transformation of Consciousness