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Why do we get sick? Is there a reason?

healing workshop Jul 24, 2024

"One of the biggest revelations for me was coming to understand that symptoms are often due to the body being in a self-healing process"...

  • Have you ever wondered 'why do I get sick'?
  • Are you curious to understand what causes symptoms or illness?
  • What if I were to tell you there is a rhyme and reason, and that if you get sick, you are meant to and it's a good thing - would you believe me? 
  • Would this change your viewpoint on illness?

Hi, my name is Kim, aka the "Kiwi Health Detective', and for 30 years I've been exploring what causes illness and what restores health naturally.

On this long journey to comprehend the human body, one of the biggest revelations for me was coming to understand that symptoms are intelligent and necessary. And that sometimes (often) when we are experiencing symptoms, the symptoms themselves are part of the body being in a self-healing process. 

We can experience many types of symptoms, for many reasons, and on the whole, most people do not understand the cause of their symptoms, simply because we've not been trained to. We are not taught this in school, or by our doctors. It's not your fault!

So I've been on a mission these past 18 years to educate the public (and health professionals) in how the body works. 

One of my focuses in clinical practice is to help people understand their body, so they can take greater control over their health and wellbeing, and learn how to heal themselves. The great news is, our body is a self-healing machine, but most of us have not been given the manual.

Did you get your body manual at school?! 

Are you interested to understand your body better?

Would you like to know why you get sick, and how to tell if symptoms are a sign your body is in a self-healing process?

This August I'll be leading a special 2 hour online workshop in how to understand a specific type of symptoms which come as a result of the body being in a self-healing cycle. This workshop will be useful for both the lay person and health practitioner. 

The 2 hour online workshop (no prerequisites) details can be found on my Qigong website:

If you live in New Zealand, check out the details here.

If you live outside New Zealand, check out the details here.

(Two separate links purely for NZ tax purposes, I know, it's a pain, sorry : )). 

I look forward to seeing you on this course, because I LOVE sharing this LIFE-CHANGING INFORMATION!

To your health : )




50% Complete

Two Step

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