Helping you solve life's problems

There's nothing I love more than helping people live happier, healthier, more self-actualized lives. 

The truth is, life is not easy, we will always be faced with challenges - but if we have the tools and skills to navigate those challenges, we will find ourselves experiencing more ease, joy, fun, happiness and good health. You don't have to stay stuck in your pain, whether it's emotional or physical.

I'm here to furnish you with those tools and skills, and there's nothing I'd like more than to help you get the most out of your life.

A New Approach to Healthcare

I teach and share a radically different type of healthcare, where YOU learn how to play the leading role in your own healing and illness prevention. Whilst initially this may feel a bit strange or unfamiliar, actually it's incredibly self-empowering and freeing! Imagine not having to see your doctor or therapist so often? Imagine knowing what to do to heal yourself from symptoms? Imagine not having to be afraid of being sick? Imagine the money you can save? This approach to healthcare IS the medicine of the future - here now for those who are ready. 

It's impossible to say in one sentence what I do. So let me give you a run-down of the areas of health I specialize in...


'Totality Healing'

"We heal a person, not a disease... we heal a whole person's life, not an illness"

Trying to get rid of symptoms without identifying and clearing the root cause is like re-arranging the deck-chairs on the Titanic: it can be ineffective because the 'roots' of the problem are not pulled out.

When you do your gardening, what happens if you only cut the leaves of a weed? It will grow again! It's the same with symptoms and illness: if you don't get to the roots of the symptoms and pull them out, then the illness hasn't really gone - only the superficial layer (the leaves) have been trimmed, but the leaves will probably grow again. 

When you do a Root Cause Analysis with me, we find those roots. And then when we work together in TKM Lifestyle Medicine, we pull theose roots out - for good. The true meaning of healing is 'to make whole'. To do this, we look at the totality of your life, from birth to now, because everything that has ever happened to you is playing its unseen role in your current circumstances. This is what I call 'root cause analysis', and it's our very first step in your healing journey.

You can apply to work with my privately from my dedicated Health Website


TKM Lifestyle Medicine

"Self-care - a revolution in healthcare"

When we work together, you get to play the 'leading role' in your health recovery. Why? Because all healing comes from within, and that means from within you.

Does that sound scary, or undoable? I can assure you it's easier than you might imagine, as long as you know what to do and how to do it, which is exactly what I can show you. You play the starring role in your own healing. How empowering is that? To take back power over your own healing? Can you imagine no longer being afraid of being ill, and knowing what to do to reverse symptoms by yourself? I can assure you it's possible and it is the future of healthcare, here now for those who are ready.

In my signature TKM Lifestyle Medicine sessions and trainings, you will learn how to self-reverse symptoms of illness without having to rely on medication or supplements, and how to ongoingly take care of your health to prevent illness. This is true healthcare, and it will change your life. 

You can apply to work with my privately from my dedicated Health Website



Mind - Body - Emotions - Spirit

Science is now showing how every thought you have, every emotion you feel, every action you take, are all having an effect on your biology (cells, tissues, organs). Once you understand how your emotions, thoughts and habitual actions change your body chemistry, either producing greater health or damage, you have the power to make the changes which will bring your body systems back into a state of balance and natural harmony. This is what you will learn as we work together. 

You can apply to work with my privately from my dedicated Health Website


Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Feel to Heal

Learning to self-manage emotional responses is key to health and happiness. This is an area I have delved deeply into for 30 years, after discovering it was key to my own healing from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and depression. 

Most of my trainings in EI are on my dedicated Emotional Alchemy Academy portal


Qi Gong

Ancient Wisdom for a Modern World

For thousands of years, masters of wisdom have taught people how to take care of their health and prevent illness. Qigong - 'that art of cultivating life force energy' - gives you the power to take control over your health and wellbeing. See the dedicated Tao Health Qigong website for courses and trainings. 

Have a Question?

Are you looking for help with a health condition? Do you want to know which online health program will best help your situation? Do you need a speaker for your conference or summit? 

Contact me on this form. 

Contact Kim

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