What Causes Illness?
There are a multitude of factors which can contribute to the creation of illness. If we are missing a contributing factor, we can get stuck in our healing.
In this program we look specifically at the stress, emotional, mind, physical and environmental causes of illness.
It took me many years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, to work out the multiple causes of illness - now you have this information at your fingertips in just a few hours.
(In the near future when time permits, segments will be added on the energetic, consciousness and spiritual aspects of illness).
Total Run Time: Approx 8 hours
Includes the following complimentary programs:
'What If Secrets to Health' program (which explains the root cause of illness) [Run time 4 hours]
'9 Pillars of Health Mastery' program (which explains the 9 life areas you need to address for totality healing) [Run time 5 hours]
Value: health is priceless, you cannot put a dollar value on it, although according to insurance companies, the value of a human life is set around $9 million dollars.