$600.00 USD


Kim Knight Health does not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any physical disease or psychological disorder. 

Any stories or testimonials presented do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using the techniques offered for any particular issue. Kim Knight Health encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional

The information contained on this website is educational in nature and is provided only as general information. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.

Kim Knight Health accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, demonstrations, training, and related activities. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.


No refunds once purchased.

Premium Root Cause Analysis Package

Your Premium Root Cause Analysis Consultation includes:

  • A laser-focused consultation (90 mins) to discover and reveal the root cause(s) of why you are experiencing / have experienced each and every health challenge or major personal problems which have plagued you throughout your life. This allows you to have a 'helicopter view' of what has led to your current situation, and also reveals the steps to resolution.
  • Thorough pre-session questionnaires to gather essential information beforehand so we can maximize our consultation time
  • Comprehensive post-session report summarizing the key findings of the consultation, along with specific recommendations to help you resolve your situation 
  • Post-session consult (30 mins) to discuss the summary findings and next steps for moving forward into tailor-made solutions to suit your needs

Includes access to the following Online E-health Programs:

1. 9 Pillars of Health Mastery: the 9 core life areas which need to be fulfilled to create good health (value $37)

2. 'What If' Secrets to Health: how and why root cause analysis is essential for understanding the complete cause of problems, and how it short-cuts your journey back to health (value $49)

3. What Causes Illness? A thorough description of the multitude of factors which contribute towards illness (value $49)

4. The True Cost of Illness and Value of Health: The potential consequences of not taking action sooner rather than later to sort your health problems (value $37)

5. Introduction to Emotional Mastery: the intimate connection between emotions and physical illness, and how by understanding this you fill in the missing pieces and get better quicker (value $79)

6. Emotional Health Program: guidance on how to reduce symptoms by reducing stress and restoring emotional equilibrium (value $197)

Also includes:

Bonus Root Cause Analysis Support Program: essential information to complement and complete your root cause analysis deep dive discovery session (value $197)

What People Are Saying:

Without Kim our daughter would probably not be alive. By the time I found Kim our daughter was within days of death. Every day I am thankful for Kim – what she has done for our daughter and what this means to us as a family and me as a mum.

Client's Mother

LIFE-CHANGING! It was really a great session. Things I already knew but truly hadn't broken through on or pieced together, and also hadn't related to on a somatic level


WOO HOO! Since our session I am amazed at the positive questioning going on in my mind to the day-to-day experiences which would have had me angsting before.


WOW! Is all I can say...I'm in awe of you and everything you teach. I now realise my resistance was resistance to my-self and the change that is now taking place
